Chapter 29

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Lisa eased from out of the dark woods in her Lycan form. No matter how many times I saw her wolf, I was still in awe of her every time. Lisa's golden glowing eyes searched my body for any signs of harm or foul play and then they shifted on to Bambam.

My heart caught in my throat as Lisa's ears flattened against her head and she bared her teeth at Bambam. The growl that came from her was so powerful that Bambam fell to his knees and covered his ears with his hands.

Bambam's gaze sought mine, pleading for me to help him. I glanced at Lisa's wolf one more time. She was going to pounce at any second and Bambam would be no match for her. I couldn't let that happen. Bambam was only trying to help me. I cursed myself as my brain scrambled for a solution. I should have heeded Rosé's warning. Lisa's wolf was out of control now and that was never an ideal situation.

Just as Lisa was about to attack, I kicked the starter on the bike. The engine roared, catching both Bambam and Lisa's attention.

"Are you going to waste your time on Bambam or are you coming after me?" I asked as I shifted the gears and took off into the woods. I knew this was going to work, there was no way that Lisa or her wolf was going to allow me out of her sight, especially in someone else's territory at night. My only dilemma at this point was what I was going to do after she caught me, which she most assuredly would.

I dodged another tree just in time before running into it head on. This was not my brightest idea ever, riding a dirt bike through the woods at top speed at night, but it was the only thing I could come up with in such a short amount of time.

Lisa was beside me now, keeping even pace with the dirt bike. I glanced at her as she expertly moved through the trees. There was no losing her, but at least I hoped we were far away from Bambam now. I stopped in a small clearing, nudged the kick stand down, and waited. My pulse double timed when Lisa came into the clearing at a mad and frantic pace.

I leaped from the bike and inched my way backwards. Lisa shifted, but that did not ease my tension as she seemed just as determined as the beast itself. I continued to ease my way backwards until my spine was flushed with a tree trunk and I had nowhere else to go. Lisa towered over me, entrapping me by placing both of her hands against the tree. Her breathing was rough and ragged and I knew it wasn't from our little venture through the woods. She was fighting back her wolf with all her might.

"You were alone with him. I could smell your scent on him." Lisa's words were more of a growl than actual human language.

"I was alone with him because you left me behind and he was loyal enough to you, to come with me to ensure my safety." I argued, but made no sudden movements. I wasn't really sure what I was dealing with here and unlike before, we were all alone this time.

"I will peel the very skin from his bones with my teeth." Lisa snarled and the mere image of what she just said had me shuttering.

"You just went psycho on me there." I cringed.

Lisa snarled and shook her head like she was fighting an unforeseen foe. I reached my hand up to touch her face, but she snatched away from me. "I can't control it anymore, Jen!" It was still a snarl, but it sounded a little more like Lisa.

"Yes, you can."

I pushed her hands away, gripped her face and brought her forehead down to mine until our skin was touching and our breaths were mingling.

"I've never been at odds with my wolf before, it's tearing me into two." She released a breath and leaned a little of her body weight against me.

"What can I do?" I asked holding my breath.

Lisa was so torn and it looked like she was in actual physical pain. At this point, I would do anything to take away her suffering.

"You're my mate, but we're not mated. My wolf sees everyone and everything as a threat and wants to tear every Lycan male's head off, whether they deserve it or not. I'm very territorial, even worse so as an alpha."

I gulped. I was afraid that she was going to say that. Was I willing to go that far with her?

I was. My heart had already admitted that I loved her, that fact was made even more evident by the way that I had rushed after her when she left me. I wasn't and couldn't be at peace until I was near her again and ensured that she was safe. Even with her part feral, I felt safe and content now that I was near her again.

"Ok." My mouth said before my mind was even ready.

"Ok what?" She lifted her head and stared deep into my eyes.

"Ok, let's get mated." I quickly said before I lost my nerve.

I braced myself, half expecting her to throw me to the ground and tear my clothes off after I agreed.

"No." She said sternly and took a step back from me.


Was I actually disappointed that she just turned me down? Yes, I was.

"I'm not going to let it happen, not until you are absolutely sure, because once we are mated, I'm never going to let you go." She nuzzled her face into my neck and I melted at her touch.

"And our first time sure as hell isn't going to be in the woods." She purred against my skin and my flesh broke out in goose bumps.

Neither one of us was willing to pull away. Lisa gathered me in her arms and pulled me to her chest. I loved her so much more for respecting me. Now we just had to figure out how to make her inner wolf understand.

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