Chapter 30

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I held Jennie tightly to my chest, her nearness was calming the raging beast within me, but we couldn't remain like this forever. I reluctantly straightened up and looked down into the honey pools of her eyes. I was still too shocked for words that she'd just offered to be mated to me, but that was not something one entered into lightly. Once we were mated it was permanent and I wasn't so sure either one of us had fully decided if we wanted forever. There was still a lot between us that we had yet to conquer.

Jennie pulled away from my embrace and I instantly missed her warmth. My wolf whimpered internally.

"I think we should get back to the others, if you think you can behave yourself." Jennie said with a cocky grin. I cringed at my earlier behaviour, if it hadn't been for Jennie's quick thinking, I probably would have slayed Bambam from where he stood. That would have been something that I would have never forgave myself for.

"Sure, but come sun rise, you are going back." I warned her.

"I think not!" Her voice rose an octave as she snatched away from me. "Didn't you learn from earlier experience that making me do anything which I don't want to do rarely plays out to your benefit?" She stomped her foot like a spoiled brat and I couldn't help the smile that broke out across my face. "And if you ever lock me in a dungeon again, I'll kill you in your sleep." She warned me and I had no doubt that she would succeed.

"Jen, you have to try to understand where I am coming from. This could be dangerous for everyone and I cannot concentrate with my wolf being distracted by you."

"Your argument is null and void. I know that you function much better when I am around, just as I do with you. When we are together we are at peace and much more level headed. Don't try to tell me for one second that you weren't wracked with guilt because of locking me in the dungeon." She tapped her booted foot impatiently.

I shook my head at her. She was right, as usual, but I'll be damned if I admitted it to her. I had felt awful about the way that I had treated her, but to my credit, I was just trying to keep her safe and yet, here she stood in front of me looking more delectable than ever.

"I promise if you let me go with you to meet the other pack, I will plaster myself to your side. That way, your wolf should be able to remain relatively calm." She held up her hand like a boy scout.

"Relatively is the word." I huffed.

"It will be fine, besides, like it or not, you need my expertise when hunting down a werewolf."

"Fine, but you either stay with me or one of my pack members at all times. Agreed?"

"Agreed. As long as you don't try to kill one of your own pack members again."

I exhaled a frustrated breath and walk ahead of her. She went over to the dirt bike, started it and raced ahead of me. My wolf wanted to follow suit, but I held it back. My inner wolf had done enough damage for one day and I could use a few moments alone to sort out the jumbled mess inside my head.

My pack was gathered around a small fire by the time I returned, all except the few that were on lookout duty. Jennie sat in the middle with her small hands outreached towards the warmth of the fire. I stopped in my tracks as her eyes met mine.

My inner wolf growled at the Lycan males who were surrounding her, but I ignored it. I walked over to Bambam, who jumped to his feet as I approached. To his surprise, I extended my hand to him. He watched it like it was a viper getting ready to strike, but eventually reached out and squeezed my hand.

"You have my gratitude for getting Jennie safely to me and my apologies for the behaviour of my wolf."

An alpha of the pack was always willing to admit to mistakes, even though it left a sour taste in my mouth by doing so.

"I'm always willing to serve, alpha." He nodded his head once.

"Because of your loyalty, even though you knew that it was dangerous with my feral wolf, I am offering you the position of my beta."

Everyone and everything around us stilled and Jennie gasped, drawing my attention to her. She smiled her approval to me with a slight nod of her head. I had already been considering giving the position to Bambam, but after he risked his own life to ensure the safety of my mate, I knew the position was rightfully his.

"Thank you alpha. I accept the honour." Bambam said and I walked back over to Jennie.

I knew she wouldn't like it, but my wolf was ravenous and needed close contact with her. I sat down on the log, closest to the fire and pulled her into my arms. She stiffened up, but eventually relaxed in my hold.

"Come sun rise, we will enter the Northern pack's compound. I want everyone to be on their toes. Jennie is coming with us and I want to make sure that everyone in the pack knows that she is my mate and is not to be messed with." I paused as I nuzzled my face in her hair, she stiffened again and I was sure that she was not appreciative of my public display of affection, but I didn't care at the moment.

"I also do not want anyone knowing that she is a huntress, the less they know about her, the better."

They all nodded their heads in agreement and I inhaled a nervous breath. I hoped this all played out better than what I imagined in my head. It was going to be a bloodbath if the other pack found out that I had brought a huntress into their lair.

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