
942 6 3

Will Write:
Mixed lemon, lime, fluff (LLF/LL/LF)
Harsh/sensitive subjects

Will not write:


Pages marked with 🍋 will include a lemon.

Pages marked with 🍏 will include a lime (I couldn't find a lime emoji????).

Pages marked with ☁️ will include fluff.

Pages marked with ❤️ will include comfort.

If they are mixed then it includes both of those subjects.


You may now suggest what story you want and I will write a chapter that's over 1k words with the story line you give me! You may detail it as much as you want or as little as you want.

🍷You can suggest your writings/fanfics in the comments!🍷

💜Important note💜

I have never written from a male Y/N POV (or male x male) so I probably will not be doing that and only stick to female POVs because this is for practice on things I have done but rusty at (lemons, fluff, random topics). I am currently practicing in my own time writing male perspectives!

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