Feyre & Bat Boys #2

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I'm sitting on the couch reading a book when I feel Rhys dropping onto the couch next to me. He wraps his hand around my shoulder and leans in leaving a kiss on my cheek. Immediately I feel a light scratch along my mental shields. I lower them down, letting Rhys in. 

I want to see your new painting. He purrs into my mind and I close my book looking up at him. 

Just as I'm about to respond Cas and Az walk in, dropping onto the opposing couch as well. From their quickened breaths, I can tell they had one hell of a practice. 

Not happening. I respond to Rhys who sends a wave of protest down the bond. 

I look at him and he's not even looking at me, he's glaring at Cas. I frown, confused by his behavior. 

Why not? I want to see my mate's work. He says into my mind still glaring at Cas. 

Because it's not finished. Why are you glaring at Cas? I ask turning my face to him. 

That's not fair. He's going to figure out we're talking mind-to-mind, and if I glare at him he will think it's about him. A wave of mischief flows through the bond and I have to restrain myself from a laugh. 

I'm going to glare at him too. And just because you're my mate doesn't give you the privilege of seeing my painting before everybody else. I can feel Rhys' displeasure which only sparks my interest in this little game that we're playing. 

We both go silent as we glare at Cas from our side of the lounge. Cas catches on our staring and his confused frown slowly starts changing into an annoyed frown then a pissed frown.

"What's going on over there?" I can hear Az asking Cas. 

"Those Royal assholes are talking shit about me in their fucked up minds." Cas looks at us and I swear he was ready to throw us off of a cliff. 

This is the most fun I had in a while. Rhys' voice softly echoes in my mind and I snort. That gets Cas more riled up. 

"Assholes," Cas repeats and gets up to leave. 

And here I thought the most fun you had in a while was last night when you were roaring my name at the cabin. I retort back and I can feel a flush of hotness down the bond. Rhys' walls go up, but the scent becomes noticeable. 

"Now they're also mind fucking. Great." Cas storms out of the lounge. Rhys and I look at each other and burst into laughter. 

"You two are definitely made for each other," Az says calmly and follows after Cas. 

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