chapter 3

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Minnow was heading out to one of the meetings with King Mako

She would normally go with her sister Aquamarine but she was out dealing with

Their leaders were conflicted on what they would do with Aquamarine Mako wanted to let her go back to her position and Manta wanted to lock her up for treason

She came into the cavern where they held the meetings

Mako was yet to show up

Maybe he was being careful he was undermining Manta his mate after all

She had wondered why they were even mate's anyway

Manta never had anything from becoming mate's with Mako

Her king came in with another Tidestream she learned to be Dolphin

She looked a bit worried

It was obvious something was going on with her

"Hi Dolphin how are you?" Minnow asked

"I'm doing well" she replied

"Just a bit tired" she added

Dolphin went and exchanged a look with Mako and he gave a small nod

"I'm with egg" she told Minnow

"Oh my that's quite the news" Minnow replied

"I know" Dolphin aggred

"But let's get to the topic on claw how to stop the war my...sister is so involved in" Mako told the group

The Tidestream's shared their own sign language that they could use while underwater or if they needed to talk on a stealth mission and not be heard

Murmurs went around the group

"Sister who?"

"Another royal"

"Seriously why haven't we learned of who this is?"

Mako looked around at the now confused group

"As you are obviously wondering who my sister is she is Manta we have been ruling together and that is the reason why we disagree so often because siblings always disagree" Mako told the group

Snickers and giggles rose from that

"So ture" another Tidestream aggred

Mako waited for the giggles to fade before he began again

"I am beginning to arrange a meeting with King Swoop about ending this war and we both have decided that we want dragons from both tribes to mediate it so neither tribe has the higher power over the other and I would like to know who would be willing to join me?" Mako asked the group

"You know I would love to but I don't want to risk the meeting falling into battle" Dolphin replied

"I am willing to join you and hopefully end this war" she answered

She wanted to end this war as much as the next dragon to her

"And I well make sure no one well be harmed in this meeting" Mako said

"Then I'll join you" Dolphin replied

"Then you two well be the one's to join me" Mako stated

"Only two?" Dolphin asked

"Yes me Manta and you two" Mako answered

"When are we going?" Minnow asked

"When I manage to get Manta to aggre to not attack the Featherscale's so we can have a peaceful meeting" Mako answered

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