the tribes of Palera

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The Rosewing tribe))
Ruler(s) : Queen Fern
Territory / living style : Evertree island / the island is noted to be a lush forest biome with many sturdy trees suitable for tree house homes, although it is noted that some prefer to grow their homes from bushes and other bracken upon the ground
Tribe description : Rosewings commonly have small flowers growing on their heads and the tips of their wings, all Rosewings have at least a little bit of green on their scales, it is noted that some Rosewings are hatched with a different plant than a flower on their head but it is more rare
Tribe abilities : Rosewings can grow and move plants at their will, like the other plant styles that can grow on their heads some also have more advanced abilities, such as a very rare one among the tribe where they have the ability to "see" through the plants, it is more likely for blind Rosewings to be the elusive Plantseers but it has been noted that dragons who have good eyesight have gained the ability before, their powers are also tied to their emotions, making fights within the tribe dangerous and even fatal in some rare cases
Additional details : The tribe has been living on the Evertree island ever since the ancient rulers queen Lily and her mate queen Glory brought them there from somewhere else, the details of their previous home has since been lost to time though


The Featherscale tribe))
Ruler(s) : King Crow  (as of last recorded notes, with the events of the war between this tribe and the Tidestream tribe details could have changed)
Territory : The tribe lives on the remnants of the formerly large Featherscale island, keeping their more frail or improperly trained members confined to caverns until they can properly defend themselves
Tribe description : Featherscales are fairly small compared to the other tribes, preferring to stand up tall on their hind legs as their front legs are shorter, giving them a sort of hunched looking form when on all fours, unlike the other Paleran tribes they have feathered wings rather than the bat-like ones of the other tribes
Tribe abilities : they can go completely invisible for limited amounts of time, although they have to still take stealth into heavy consideration whilst invisible, they also have excellent night vision which comes in handy for life in the caves
Additional details : The Featherscales have been at war with the Tidestream tribe for many long and painful years, though facts are as of yet uncertain, rumor has it that a royal of one of the tribes fled their position as heir to become the mate to a peasant from the opposite tribe, a highly illegal act of the time, one that as of yet has not been resolved


The Tidestream tribe))
Ruler(s) : King Mako and Queen Manta
Territory : Deep underwater they have carved and built lavish buildings with incredible stonework, the Tidestream main city, within the center of the city rests the grand palace, decorated with rare and precious stones
Tribe description : Their scales are shades of blues, greens, and purples but they can also have the colors of various types of fish and corals, they have long fins that run along their spine, their talons are large and wide with webbing in between their claws to make gliding through the water easy, their horns also come in many different shapes and sizes
Tribe abilities : They can breathe under water with gills that run the sides of their necks, they also have night vision so they can easily traverse their submerged terrain
Additional details : The Tidestreams have been at war with the Featherscale tribe for many long and painful years, though facts are as of yet uncertain, rumor has it that a royal of one of the tribes fled their position as heir to become the mate to a peasant from the opposite tribe, a highly illegal act of the time, one that as of yet has not been resolved


The Stormtalon tribe))
Ruler(s) : King Lightning Queen Hurricane
Territory : the Stormtalon island, a barren, rocky land, ashy husks of trees and bushes can be found, them being a result of young dragonets being too wild with their weather powers at far too young a age, plant life hardly ever grows there anymore
Tribe description : Their scales are usually shades of grays or whites much like the soft clouds that litter the skies, their horns are jagged like bolts of lightning, much like the lightning strike patterns rippled along the membranes of their wings, sometimes they have raindrop like patterns on their faces or legs or soft, fur like spikes on their spines
Tribes abilities : They can control the weather,  depending on how strong they are affects the amount of control they'd have over the storm, they can also see in the dark
Additional details : The Stormtalons flew to Palera from a long time ago, their place of origin not specified in any public archives but some speculate that they may have come from somewhere similar to the ancient Rosewings


The Swiftclaw tribe))
Ruler(s) : King Leopard and Queen Acacia
Territory : The Swiftclaw island, a savanna type stretch, the tall grass space is littered with acacia trees and small ponds, as well as a type of glowing yellow-gold crystal known as a Sunstone
Tribe description : Cheetah-like dragons, they have long thin legs and sharp claws to help them get a proper hold in the dirt while running, their eyes can be any color as far as its known, they have stripes across their bodies as well that will begin to glow when they are running or when in caves, although it is rumored they don't like the darkness
Tribe abilities : They can run at very high speeds and phase straight through most solid objects or walls, though they cannot phase through the ground beneath them or living creatures
Additional details : They came to join Palera with the Cometflight tribe a long time ago, making the journey together


The Cometflight tribe))
Ruler(s): King  Shade and Queen Midnight
Territory : In the Midnight mountain, deep within caves or among the peaks, within the mountain is a cavern with a colorful crystal, that is the space where the mysterious Prophecyer resides 
Tribe description : Darkly colored dragons, upon hatching the image of the sky at the time is imprinted on their previously blank white wings, they sometimes have spikes along their spine and they always will have a moon shaped barb at the end of their tail, filled with blinding poison
Tribe abilities : They can teleport at will, they also have strong night vision then there is of course their tail barb, a moon shaped spike at the tip of their tail that, when stabbed into someone will temporarily blind them, although the effects can be permanent if the right spots are struck
Additional details : They came to join Palera with the Swiftclaw tribe a long time ago, making the journey together


The Winterhorn tribe))
Rulers(s): Queen Blizzard and king Icecube
Territory : A collection of icebergs that linger near the main mass of Palera
Tribe description : Cold dragons with scales in paler colors, they have two sets of horns coming from the backs of their skulls, they are fluffy dragons often having a thick coats for most if not all year long, have a sharp tail spike that they find useful for breaking ice, occasionally dragon may be hatched with odd darker scales, or just a single pair of horns, although it is a fairly uncommon occurrence, reports say that these "oddities" don't tend to get looked down upon by a majority of the tribe, but sometimes there are a few who accuse them of "not being a true Winterhorn" or "being a nasty hybrid"
Tribe abilities : They can survive freezing temperatures and have long, sharp claws, good for gripping the slippery terrain, a fairly rare occurrence among the tribe can involve a dragon hatching with a ability labeled "Frostscales" with which they are able to freeze the ground around them with ease
Additional details : It is said that the icebergs they live upon floated slowly over seas to Palera many years ago and they decided to stay, enjoying the companionship of the other tribes and the trade possibilities

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