chapter 14

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Dawn light brightened the cave ever so slightly but not that bright seeing as the sun was on the opposite side of the island currently.

ShadowSeeker and Aquamarine had moved since last evening and now lay side by side near the edge of the bed that they all shared.

PhasesStripe was nowhere to be see and was probably out on the beach.

Niea was curled up in the very corner of the cave probably trying to avoid any of the dragons to not accidentally get squashed under them. And Evergreen was curled up next to Gale resting a wing over the StormTalons back.

Both dragons looked equally calm while they slept.

How can two dragons who hardly know each other be so calm about sleeping literally right next to each other.

Seafoam was sprawled out across most of the middle of the bed. Aquakitty clearly found their shared bed comfortable.

But him he didn't find it quite as comfortable as the others clearly did. He much preferred the beds of furs back at the Winterhorn kingdom.

This escape from home is becoming less and less nice by the day.

The group was not exactly nice to sleep with either and he had been considering asking PhasesStripe if he could join her out there.

Due to the fact that ShadowSeeker snores Evergreen moves in her sleep and Aquamarine mutters in her sleep.

He would occasionally move around in his sleep but never enough for it to become a problem he needed to address to his parents.

He got up and walked out of the cave. He just couldn't stay in there He preferred being in more open spaces anyway. Being somewhere like that just made him claustrophobic.

His talons crunched the sand as he walked along the beach.

He sat down on the shores edge where the beach met the water.

Enjoyed sitting here feeling the breeze brush over his scales and the waves wash over his claws and occasionally he'd go deep into the water when he was out here. The coldness of the ocean reminded him of home.

He had been out at the market island during rainstorms before and personally quite enjoyed the rain it had felt nice along his scales though Crystal had accompanied him during that and had absolutely despised the rain.

He had full knowledge that he was currently the only awake member of their group or at least it was what he was assuming.

"You know you don't walk very quietly right?." The voice came from behind him.

He turned to see PhasesStripe sitting up on the sand.

"It's the normal way to walk no one can walk silently on a beach you Iciclebrain." Permafrost responded.

"Yeah but near silent." She argued then got up and walked over to him her paws barely making the sand crunch. The sound was light and quiet but it was still there if you listened hard enough.

"See nearly silent." She smirked.

"Okay you proved me wrong so what?." Permafrost growled.

"What do you mean so what that's all there is to it." PhasesStripe responded.

He puffed out an annoyed frosty breath. Stupid Swiftclaw.

Why did I ever decide to join this group their all a bunch of annoying creatures.

PhasesStripe didn't seem to realize she annoyed him and had walked off.

She spent most of her time by herself.

Then he remembered something he had heard before. Swiftclaws were naturally the the tribe who could be the quietest while walking.

Swiftclaws were often hired by Tidestream's or Featherscale's to assassinate a dragon from the other tribe.

He heard the crunch of sand as someone walked up behind him. "Hi PermaFrost."

ShadowSeeker came and sat beside him.


"Don't you think this beach is nice you know when nobody is arguing and it's just calm and peaceful?." ShadowSeeker asked.

"Sure but you said two words that mean very similar things." Permafrost told him.

"I know."

The Cometflight stared out at the ocean for a while. "Do uh you think there's anything besides Paleras archipelago out there?."

"I don't know I've never given it much thought." Permafrost answered.

"I just wonder sometimes if their are other creatures or tribes we don't know about that may need our help with their own unique problems." ShadowSeeker stated.

"Maybe who knows really."

They sat there quite a while with no one coming out of the cave.

"Stars above it's quiet today." PermaFrost commented.

ShadowSeeker nodded. "Yeah it really is."

"Wanna uh go for a swim?." PermaFrost suggested. "Sure."

They stood up and walked out into the water. The cooling water felt so nice against his scales.

He walked out deeper into the water. The depth went from to his legs to his underbelly to his chest before he was eventually swimming with ShadowSeeker nearby.

"I don't see why Tidestream's enjoy swimming so much it's a lot of work keeping yourself afloat." ShadowSeeker commented.

"They also can breathe under the water and swim underneath the waves." Permafrost added.

He used his wings to keep himself afloat better.

ShadowSeeker noticed and made a attempt to copy him.

Permafrost swam over and adjusted ShadowSeeker's wings to the same way he had his own.

"There." He said as he made the final adjustment to the position of ShadowSeeker's wings.

He swam back a little bit so he wasn't right up next to the Cometflight.

ShadowSeeker honestly has seemed like the smartest of the group and he found it nice to have as company.

He had made comments to not judge him based on where he helped out at but he really was a smart dragon.

And maybe who knows they may all be smart in their own ways and I'll just need to get know them to find out.

He took a breath and dove under the water to see if the sea floor had anything of interest to him.

His eyes hurt as salty water flowed around them but he stayed under, there was seashells of various sizes and colors that he could see along the ground.

He grabbed a shell and swam back to the surface to examine it somewhere where he couldn't drowned or have his eyes hurt looking at it.

"You found a shell though then again I suppose shells aren't too rare in the sea." ShadowSeeker commented.

"Yeah there are plenty down there you can go take a look if you want." PermaFrost replied.

ShadowSeeker nodded took a deep breath and dove under, he watched as the Cometflight swam down to the seafloor before collecting a few shells and swimming up.

"The water hurt my eyes." ShadowSeeker stated after he resurfaced. "Yeah it hurt mine too." Permafrost agreed.

This Cometflight really seems like he just hasn't had that many experiences outside of the Cometflight mountain.

"Do you er leave your home mountain often?." He asked.

"Not really why are you asking?." ShadowSeeker responded.

"You just seem to not understand as much or are more excited about stuff that the rest of us know." PermaFrost explained.

"Oh yeah I guess you are right." The Cometflight nodded.

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