chapter 10

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He sat flicking through a few more books.

He was honestly hoping that he could help Ever and the others dethrone Fern, she had been a pretty good Queen despite how she treated most misfits.

"Find what your looking for" the Rosewing librarian asked.

"No not yet" he responded.

"Well if you do need any help just ask me" they told him.

They grabbed a stack of books and scrolls from their desk.

Some of the scrolls they had were some of the older stories.

He was pretty sure that he had read them when he was younger.

He looked back down at the book he had been reading.

It spoke of the past leaders of the Rosewings from before the council came to be.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Forest asked.

"Kinda a way to help my sis get Fern to let the misfits back into the village maybe dethrone her" Mushroom answered.

"Oh your sister is Evergreen right Bloom has mentioned the two of you before".

"Yeah Evergreen is my sister" he answered.

"Well uh I hope you can find what you need" Forest told him.

They went back to their work putting the books and scrolls back onto the shelves.

He noticed one of the scrolls was some story on an idea on if the FeatherStream war came to an end by some Featherscale author.

Every Dragon thought that the war would never end...well no he didn't think that but most dragons did.

He'd grown up with stories of a great journey that the Rosewings had took to find their current home and the great things the Queens Lily and Glory had done.

He sometimes wondered if Queen Glory had been an actual dragon or someone Rosewing authors had made up to make Lily's story more interesting with a mate for the past Queen.

He heard the quick strikes of talons against the ground as some dragon ran up to the library.

Who's in a rush to get here?.

Bloom ran in skidding to a halt behind Forest.

She jumped on the librarian.

"Forest! Give me your pronouns now!" Bloom demanded.

"I'm they them today now if you don't get off me I'll ban you from the library" Forest threatened.

Bloom listened to the librarian and got off them.

Forest had dropped the scrolls and books she had been carrying when Bloom jumped on them and now the stack was scattered across the library's floor.

"You need some help cleaning that up Forest?" Mushroom asked pointing a claw at their scattered pile.

"No Bloom Well be cleaning it up" they answered.

Bloom turned to stare at them. "I'm doing what?!" Bloom asked.

"You made the mess now you well be the one to clean it up" Forest responded.

"And if I don't?" Bloom asked.

"Then I'll sit on you" Forest stated.

He went back to the scroll he was reading from.

It told the stories of some of the bad leaders of the Rosewings and their chaotic and sometimes smart attacks for power over all the tribes living on the islands of Palera and even the tribe in the sea around the islands.

creatures of Plaera (book 2 chaos with the Rosewings)Where stories live. Discover now