Ben and Sally

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⚠️TW~self harm⚠️
We all know Ben has aquaphobia but he really gets scared during thunderstorm. The other pastas knows that he's scared of water from his drowning experience but none of them know how serverly scared he is of thunderstorms except Sally and here's why.

Ben has always been afraid of storms since he was a child. And Uncle Johnny being the bad father and uncle that he is(so said in my other head cannon about this) didn't really care much for Ben. He always drunk and arrived home either ending up hungover or drunk. And when he was drunk Ben would always receive abuse to the point where Ben had to where extra long shirts and long sleeves because he had so much bruises and cuts on him. Ben even started to cut himself.

One night when his mother had to get groceries it was storming(she also took Ben with her just so yk) when they were driving on there way back home Ben started to cry because of how loud the storm was getting so his mother reached her arm out to the back seat and told him that everything was gonna be alright. Butttt because she wasn't paying attention she accidentally crashed into a huge tree which lead to her death, surprisingly Ben survived and when the police arrived on the scene they took him home, of course he was all snotty nosed crying, he had no clue what was going on, one minute his mother was awake and well then next he sees her asleep and she wouldn't wake up.

The police told Johnny everything that happened and of course when they left Johnny blamed Ben for the cause of his wife's death.

Ben tells Sally everything..well almost everything because he doesn't want her to worry so when he told her about his fear of thunderstorms she immediately started worrying and said she'll always cheer him up when they come. But one tragic day she couldn't cheer him up anymore. A day when he and Johnny were supposed to go swimming in a lake, he just disappeared. They arrived there- but then hours later he was gone.

Weeks later, Sally's death was announced and it was around the same person, Johnny. So that sugarcubehole got arrested.

And when Ben and Sally met back up in the afterlife at the Slender Manor, the first thing Sally did was give him a hug. Sweet Sally. And whenever a thunderstorm comes she's always by his side and usually tells him to draw a portrait of her(which I'll say why in the next head cannon)

Painter always compliments those

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