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"So" Demetri and I have been outside for some time, it's dark now and we're staring up at the stars "do you think this Victoria will kill your sister?"

"I don't know" then I feel something, smiling I look at Demetri "can you give me your hand?" He gives me his hand and I place it on my belly, moving it to where the baby kicked. When the baby kicks again "did you feel that?"

"Was that" he asked "the baby?"

"Yeah" nodding my head "I'm finding out this weekend what the baby's gender will be via cake"

"What are you hoping for?" He asks

"I don't really care" shrugging my shoulders "as long as baby alien is fine" rubbing my belly, the baby kicks again. I look at Demetri "we've been lying down for hours now, in silence in each other's arms" he nods his head "you haven't mentioned me being an alien, why?"

"It doesn't matter to me whether your an alien or a vampire or a human" he pushes a lock of hair behind my ear "your my mate and this is my child, even though I didn't father it" he goes down to kiss my belly before pulling back to kiss my lips "your mine"

"And your mine" grabbing the back of his neck, I pull him back down into a passionate kiss. We're like this for some time before I hear another voice coming by, pulling away I look over to see Edward with his arms crossed "someone's in a mood"

"Your sister" he tells me "she is demanding to speak with you"

Frowning, what could Bella possibly have to say? We hear a buzz and I see Demetri pull out his phone, when he answers it he frowns "I'll be there" hanging up he pressed a light kiss to my lips "something urgent has my attention, but I'll be back" kissing my lips then my belly he gets up. I hand him his cloak "keep it" he tells me before he runs off.

~Aro's POV~

"Chelsea" I have one of the upper guards come forward, Chelsea. I have Chelsea brought to me since I want that vampire hybrid, she has powers that will make me a very powerful vampire.


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"Yes master" she bows "how can I be of service?"

"Make sure Demetri stays loyal to us" I make it clear, I feel Marcus's and Caius's gazes in me "go to Seattle and whenever you sense Demetri being unloyal use your powers. Also if you see Dorothea Swan use your powers on her to make her want to join our coven" she nods her head and leaves.

"Aro" Marcus asks "are you certain this is a good idea?"

"I want Dorothea Swan to become a member of this coven" making it clear "she will join, whether she wants to or not" smiling "this is the one good thing about mates"

"And if it fails?" Caius asks "what then?"

"It won't" shaking my head confident in this, that hybrid will be mine.

~Carlisle's POV~

"Are you certain?" I ask Alice, Alice has a vision a few hours ago about what Aro declares. There is no way I'm letting him take Dot from us, she is Edward's soul sister and she belongs in this coven.

"Chelsea is on her way now" she speaks, it's bad enough that Alice can't see Dot's moves so she is entirely unpredictable "should we tell her?

"No" shaking my head "Demetri has been with the Volturi for years, he and Dot have just met and the bond between them is most likely fragile. If the wrong word is said then the bond could become even more fragile, so we wait" I will become the next king of vampires, Aro will not win.

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