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A/n-Welcome to my first xOC story! For reference, this is what you look like! It will be updated every Sunday, hope you enjoy!
I sit by the sparkling pond, watching the deer and the birds playing. I wrap my scarf around my head and sniff, my tears falling in the pond in front of me. I've been sent out here by my handmaiden, Ylvana, while the royal court of Alfheim makes a decision on whether I will be sold off to Asgard to wed one of the Princes. I sniff and punch the water, sending ripples throughout. "I'd ask what's wrong but I don't suppose that's a good decision," my sister, Jimena, says.

"It's unwise to be in my company right now, sister."

"Don't be like that, Azalena. Perhaps if they do send you to Asgard, it will not be so bad."


"Alright, alright. Come on, let's head back to the palace. Father will be wanting to see us, and we'll need to be changed."

My expression sours and I reluctantly follow Jimena back to the palace. We are welcomed by Ylvana who quickly rushes me into my quarters. "You're late. We're going to have to skip your bath," she frowns. My expression remains stoic; I could care less what Ylvana thinks. She changes me out of my riding dress that I wore to the pond and into a far more elegant deep blue gown with black and silver linings. She places a silver and blue veil on my head and sighs. "There. I suppose you are ready," Ylvana sighs.

Jimena walks with me down to the throne room. She's dressed in a similar style outfit, only her dress is a dark red, lined with gold. She's wearing a black and red veil. "Whatever Father says, you'll hold your tongue. This whole--thing--could solidify the future of Alfheim," Jimena hisses.

"Since when did you become the boss of me?"

"When you yelled at Father in front of the entire court the other evening. I may be your junior, but I sometimes know what's best."

"Sure you do," I say as I put on a fake smile, entering the court. The court members rise and bow as Jimena and I enter the room. We stand side by side in front of Father. "My daughters. A decision has been reached," he booms. Right to the point I see. My body tenses up and my jaw clenches. "My eldest daughter, Princess Azalena, will wed the Prince Loki Odinson," he says triumphantly. The court cheers and claps but this? This is nothing to cheer about. My eyes narrow and bear into his soul as I feel Jimena take my hand.
Father steps down from his throne. He's clearly doing this for nothing more than a show, he's never this kind to us. "My daughter, why must you look so sad? You should be celebrating!" He smiles.

"Celebrating my auctioning off? Like I am some prize to be won?"

My expression does not faulter even when Father's faux cheery expression grows furious. "Now you've done it," Jimena whispers. "Silence!" Father booms. He tilts my chin upright so I look into his eyes. This has been done so much, I'm not the least bit intimidated. "You'll learn to respect your elders, child!" He hisses, slapping me across the face. The court does not react, for fear out of meeting a far worse fate. "Go to your chambers. The elder Prince will be here to fetch you soon, and you need a bath," Father says distastefully. I don't curtsey or nod, I simply walk off.

I reach my quarters and see that Ylvana is already finishing packing my things. "I can do the rest," I say. I know better than to be mad at her. She's raised me since I was a baby. "Alright, Azalena. You be safe now, and never forget your way," Ylvana says, tears filling her eyes. "Wait. You're not coming with me?"

"No, my dear. You'll have a new handmaiden to serve you."

"No, no. I won't allow it."

"Then you best see your father before the Crown Prince arrives."

I nod and Ylvana smiles as I rush down. Father is chatting with a Duke or someone similar when I interrupt. "Azalena! What have I told you--"

"You're letting Ylvana come with me. That's not a request."

"How dare you--"

"If I'm to be sold off to a foreign realm, then I suppose it's only right to have a handmaiden to help me, yes?"

Both Father and the Duke look at each other. Father grumbles and says, "Fine. That is the only request of yours I will grant." I nod and walk back to my quarters. Ylvana already has a warm, inviting bath drawn for me. "Come on, my dear. We need to get you bathed and your hair washed before the Crown Prince gets here," she sighs, ushering me into the bath. I don't say a word the entire time.

When I am dried properly, Ylvana hands me a gold and green ballgown. "Why gold and green specifically?" I ask with a curious look. "In Asgard it's tradition for ladies of the court to wear their partner's colors," Ylvana replies. I hold my tongue this one time as she helps me into the elaborate gown. "Besides, the younger Prince may warm up to you quicker should he see this beautiful young maiden wearing his colors," she teases. I laugh and roll my eyes.

Out of the window, I see the Crown Prince arriving on horseback. "Just in time. I'll just tie your hair in a simple bun, my dear," she says. I hear him and my father talking downstairs and once Ylvana finishes, I hear a knock at the door. Ylvana opens it and it's one of the pages. "Your Highness, the Crown Prince Thor is here to collect you," he says shyly.

"Thank you. I'll be down shortly."

Ylvana grabs the bags and accompanies me downstairs. Thor sees me and kisses my hand. "Your Highness, I apologize that my brother could not be here," Thor says.

"It is alright. I suppose we should be going, it's nearly sunset."

"Yes, we should, we do not want to miss the feast. Asgard's feasts are famous!"

"So I've heard," I smile. Thor grabs one of my bags, which I thank him for repeatedly as we go outside. He warns me, "Princess, traveling by Bifrost is less than a pleasant experience if you have never done it before." I nod and hold onto his arm. "Heimdall, open the Bifrost!" He shouts. A stream of rainbow light engulfs us, and it's off to Asgard we go.

An Elf in Asgard (Loki xOC)Where stories live. Discover now