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A/n: Sorry for the late update!
Loki welcomes me with open arms, and he passes Eirik to me. "Mama's back, Mama's back!" He squeals, clinging onto me. "Yes, dear, I am. Did you have a good time with your daddy?" I ask. He nods quickly and babbles happily. We put Eirik in his crib and then Loki takes a look at me. "How'd it go, love?" He asks.

"Well he didn't try to kill me."


"Yeah, sorry. I threatened him that if he tried anything I would decapitate him or...set you on him. He seemed to mellow out after that. And I ordered the guards to keep an eye on him."

"Good, Azalena. And how's the baby?"

"Fine, as far as I can tell."

Loki smiles. "Good, darling." He kisses my stomach. "I want to do anything that'll help our little one. Which means keeping you safe." I kiss Loki back. "I'm tired, I'm gonna try getting some sleep before we have to do the evening proceedings."

"Alright, darling. I'll be here."

I fall asleep for a few hours until Loki wakes me for dinner. "Mmph...don't wanna get up..." I hear Loki chuckle. "I know, love, but I'm sure you're hungry." I shrug. "I am a little. I'm just so tired." He smiles. "Here, I can bring some dinner to you, and then you can join me afterwards for the proceedings. Yeah?" I nod in response and Loki disappears to bring some food up for us.

After eating a quick dinner I feel more energetic and strong than before. We head down to the throne room for the proceedings.

I sit down next to Loki and he bangs his staff thrice. Everyone looks up as we begin the proceedings. They go by rather quickly to my surprise, and after they end, a nurse brings Eirik to me. He squirms on my arms. "Mama! Daddy!" He squeals, pressing a baby kiss to my cheek. "Hi, my little angel!" I kiss his forehead and Loki takes him. "Hello my little warrior," he smiles and Eirik tousles Loki's hair.

After we put Eirik to bed, Loki closes my eyes. "Loki, what have I said about surprises?" I hear him chuckle. "Darling, I wouldn't be surprising you if I wasn't absolutely sure you would like it."

"Oh alright. Show me, then."

Loki leads me to a room, a nursery. "You redid the nursery?" I ask softly. "Yes. I know you don't want me to jinx it, but I couldn't help myself. I did it with Sif's help."

"Ohh...thank you, Loki..."

"Anything for the love of my life."

An Elf in Asgard (Loki xOC)Where stories live. Discover now