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My heart pounds in my chest. "N-No. You died, you were killed--" It then occurs to me I never saw him die. I only heard his blood curdling screams. "My Queen, I am very much alive," he says in a mocking yet venomous tone. Loki pushes me behind him and whispers to me, "Stay back, my love." The nurse holding Eirik holds him tightly. I take him from her and while Loki is distracted, I go the back way to our rooms. Thor shields me.

As soon as Thor locks all the doors and draws the curtains, I begin to hyperventilate. "Azalena, calm down. You're okay, Eirik is going to be alright," he tries to calm me down. "And what of Loki? I've seen how brutal the Dark Elves can be. No doubt they gave Faren some special powers that not even an Asgardian can compete with."

"Little sister, you know that Loki will not give up without a fight. He knows that you need him, and he needs you too."

"Then let me fight--"

"No, I will not. You will be kept safe, and unharmed. I give you my word."

He squeezes my hand and I hold Eirik against my chest. "Mama's here, sweetheart, Mama's here," I whisper repeatedly. Thor takes him for a second, cooing at him. "It's okay, little warrior, it's just your Uncle Thor," he bounces him. We both hear pounding noises outside of the quarters, and I freeze up with fear. Thor shields me with his body, and I shake with terror. I take Eirik from him and give him a pacifier so he'll be quiet, and not give our position away.

The pounding ceases after a moment. My chest rises and falls excessively fast. "Thor..."

"Yeah, I know."

I quietly move across the room to grab a sword. "Go inside the study. I'm going to see who it is," he whispers. I nod and run to the study, quietly shutting and locking the door behind me. I hide Eirik under the desk and ready my sword. "Loki," I hear Thor say.

"Brother, where is she?"

"In your favorite place in these rooms." Smart, Thor. He's answering the question vaguely. But I know it's really him. Loki takes a spare key and unlocks the door, a tear falling when he sees how terrified I am. He takes my head in his hands. "Hey, you're okay." When I don't look recovered enough to his liking, he whispers to me, "Azalena, look at me. You're going to be alright."

"Faren. Where is he?"

"He had a moment of weakness and the guards were able to get him to the dungeons."

I nod. There's something I feel I need to do, but somehow I don't want to. "My dear, what's bothering you?" He asks, picking up the sound asleep Eirik. "I feel like I need to see him. Like, talk to him. About everything that's been going on and--"

"No, you don't. You can't let your guard down, especially not right now," he gently placed his hand to my stomach. "I'm not an invalid, Loki. I have to do this." He nods. "Just promise you'll be okay around him. And I want a guard with you down there." Fair enough. I take his deal and prepare myself for the trip down.

I walk down and the guards bow to me momentarily. "Where is the prisoner Faren Leifeson?" I ask. The guard to my left nods and directs me to his cell. "I will be standing close if you need me, Your Majesty," he says. I nod and lock eyes with Faren. He clicks his heels and steps forward to me. "So. You're a Queen now. And pregnant."

"Why does that matter?"

"You're my sister. I should know these things."


"I'm not done quite yet. You...had a son! Without telling me!"

"How...how did you know I had a son?" My voice takes on a hard edge. "Who else do you think kidnapped that baby in the village?! It was me, you idiot!" My eyes widen in horror. "That's why they couldn't identify me! I put on a spell, I was disguised as a normal Asgardian. You're as stupid as the day you thought I had died." I slap him so hard there's a pink handprint on his cheek. "Be careful who you speak to. You are speaking to the Queen of Asgard who can have you beheaded with a wave of my hand. Or...my husband...he can do something far worse and you'll be begging for death."

He momentarily falters but then puts his shield back up. "Rejoice in the fact that I let you live." I leave and order the guards to keep an especially close eye on him.

An Elf in Asgard (Loki xOC)Where stories live. Discover now