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Frank felt the familiar weight settle back onto his shoulders and his feet felt like lead as he slowly walked towards 'Gillespie's'. The quaint bar and bistro was the picture perfect Italian eatery, with faux olive trees outside and the Italian flag proudly waving in the breeze.

Frank knew well enough however, that just beyond the delicious aromas and smiling waiters, the real work took place. The family business was run from Joey's office out back, and it didn't involve basil or oregano. No, it involved much more potent 'herbs' that made a fuck load of money for the greedy Gillespie's.

He felt like a dead man walking. Joey had sounded calm on the phone. Too calm. It sent shivers down Frank's spine when he told him he would like a 'catch up'. He knew all too well what that could (would) involve. Still, he had to face his fate. He had no choice. He had put innocent people at risk, and this was the price he would pay.

His heart was pounding as he pushed open the door and walked towards the bar. Julia spotted him, and although she offered a smile, she couldn't hide the expression of worry that spread across her face.

"Hi Frank" she quietly said as he approached her.

"Hey Jules" he replied, his voice barely a whisper in the noisy restaurant.

"It's good to see you" she said as she reached her hand across the bar and squeezed Frank's.

Frank didn't reply. He simply let out a breath and offered a weak smile.

"He's out back" Julia told Frank. "He's expecting you."

"Yeah" Frank replied. "I know. Can I maybe just get a JD first?" he asked.

"Sure" Julia smiled, pouring a generous serving of Jack Daniels and handing it to Frank.

He swallowed it down in one and nodded to Julia as he made his way through the kitchen doors, along the familiar corridor and finally to the door of Joey's office.

He felt sick; the whiskey he'd just drank trying to make its way back up. He swallowed thickly and breathed through his nose to both try and settle his stomach and his nerves.

He was about to knock when the door opened. He knew Joey had CCTV all through the building, so he'd probably been watching Frank outside, looking all pathetic and pitiful.

Frank looked up and was met with Ryan holding the door open for him. He felt rage and anger and hurt all at once. He scowled at him before shoving his way into the room, a sudden defiance taking over him.

As well as Joey and Ryan, there were two more of Joey's henchmen, all grinning maniacally towards Frank.

"Frankie" Joey said, all smiles as he remained seated behind his dark wood, leather topped desk. "Nice to see you, huh guys?" he gestured to the other men in the room.

There were a few murmurs offered towards him, but he didn't take his eyes off Joey.

"Let's just get this over with, shall we?" Frank said through gritted teeth.

He was promptly pushed into the chair opposite Joey's and felt a firm hand on his shoulder, holding him in place. He tried not to appear afraid, although he could feel his knee shaking and his heartbeat ringing in his ears.

"So" Joey began, leaning forward on his desk to look more closely at Frank. "You thought you could just fuck off and leave after the mess you made, huh?"

Frank looked over at Ryan who had a worried look on his face. He knew Ryan would be shitting himself in case Frank dragged him into it too, letting Joey know that it was him that had left his brother for dead, while Frank remained to try and help. No matter what Ryan had done to him though, Frank wasn't about to let him die to at the hands of Joey. It wasn't in him to be so cruel. Frank already felt guilty at all the pain and suffering caused to other people because of his actions – he was sick of feeling of shame and contrition that he constantly carried around with him. He didn't need any more of it.

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