Chapter 03

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Andrius saw little Thea munching on her sandwitch while falling asleep with foods still on her mouth. He took her in his arms and softly said "Princess eat your food and then we can go to bed". She mumbled some incoherent words and gulped down after keep munching unconciously. Then Andruis made her drink some water and brought her to his bed room.

When the time he came to his bed room little Thea has already fallen asleep and Andrius decided not to wake her up and make her brush her teeth before bed since its been a long tiring and sad day to her. He put her on his bed and changed her cloths to one of his shirt since he did not get time to do shopping for her necessities. Her whole body engulfed her with his shirt and that adoring look of Thea made Andrius heart warm with affection he never though he had in his heart.

After securing her with some pillows around her he went to have a bath and wash away the pain he felt for the painful life of Thea while promising himself to never make her go through any pain. Then he went back to bed after change into swaetpants and made himself comfortable. He could not stop stare at the beautiful baby who peacefully lies beside him. Unconciously he took her in his arms and hold her to his chest and fell to a peaceful sleep. 

Thea squirmed in her sleep and after few minutes opened her big eyes to a smiling Andrius. She felt warm and safe in the arms of Andrius. She felt like she is home. She smiled with happiness and Adrius' heart melt looking at her beautiful smiling face. He felt at peace when the little angel is with him. After staring at each other with big smiles adorning in each others faces little Thea straigtened from her previous position she was in still keep smiling and sat on Andrius' stomach and said "Hi" in her sweet baby voice.

"Hi little one. Good morning!" Adrius said in his husky morning voice which made Thea giggled and she shyly murmured a soft "good morning". He asked her "Did you have a good sleep" while straightning and sitting on the bed leaning to the headboard still holding Thea and moving her to his lap. "Yes I sleep good and warm" Thea told him while curiouslty looking at Andrius' tatoo clad upperbody. She unintentionally drew lines on the wing shaped tattoo in his chest. Andrius intently looked at her and kept silent till she take a attention away from his tattos. After quite sometime Thea looked up at his eyes and innoceontly asked "You draw in your body because you have no paper to draw?". Andrius was taken aback by her question and said "No little one these are called "tattoos". Tattoos are the drawigs we can do n our bodies if we want". Thea nodded her head in understanding and again asked that "I draw on my hand when I dont have papers. But Pirrip sometimes bring me papers with somany letters on them and I draw on them too with my pencil I picked near the garbage can". Andrius felt a pain seeping through his body after what she said. She was not able to have anything what other kids her age had and enjoyed. He felt bad for the little child and after shaking off the sadness he softly said "I'll give buy you all the things you want to draw and learn princess. From now on I promise you to give you anything you want. Never hesitate to ask for anything . Okay". Thea snuggled him and murmured a little "okie" to his neck. 

After soaking on the warmth Andrius got up with Thea in his arms and went to washroom to do the morning routine. He helped her to brush her teeth and wash herself. Then covered her with a towel and took her out of the washroom and put her on his bed. "Wait here till I come and then I'll take you downstairs for breakfast okay?" Andrius said while turning on the TV on his bedroom and putting on a cartoon for her to watch till he come. 

He quickly did his morning routine and changed into something comfortable since he decided to take the day off to arrange what Thea needs to settle in. He called his assistant and asked her to rescedule his meetings for tomorrow. He never take day offs even if he is sick so hearing him taking a day off caught her off guard but knowing her boss she did what he asked without asking any questions. 

After making the call he went to look for Thea who is staying where he left her without any movement just staring intently at the kids cartoon with her curious does eyes. Seeing him entering holding a shirt of him Thea smiled and took her attention away from the TV. Saing "Lets change you into my shirt till we go and buy some cloths to you princess" Andrius put her into his shirt which again swallowed her whole body in it. It really was a cute scene to watch her drowning in his shirt. He smiled to himslef because of her cuteness. Suddenly he heard a little grumbling noise and Thea shyly looked down. "Ok lets go to feed the hungry little frog in your tummy baby" Adrius teasingly said and picked her up from the bed and carried her to downstairs and lead to the kitchen. 

He put her on the kitchen counter and started arranging some fruits and cut them into pieces. Then put some youghurt into a ball with all the fruits and gave it to her. She started munching on them and Andrius also silently ate his breakfast. The silent was peaceful only the chewing of Thea was heard. After finishing his breakfast Andrius went through the newspaper till Thea finish her breakfast. Few minutes later Andrius heard Thea saying "um full". He looked at her ball and saw that she has ate most of her breakfast and few fruit pieces were remaining. He was satisfied with that and picked her up and washed the fruit smudges around her face and then put her down after proceeding to wash the dishes. 

Thea waited in the living room couch and looked at the new paper Andrius was reading. She turned the pages and looked at the pictures. She didn't know how to read or know the letters because Pirrip never had any education to teach her. But she was always curious about the words in those papers she used to do drawings. 

Andrius came back to living room after doing the dishes to see Thea going through the pages of the news paper. Unintentionally he smiled at the scene of her turning pages and looking at the big pictures on it. He went near her and crouched near her and softly asked "What are you looking at princess?". She looked at him and with a little pout said "I want to know these" while showing the words on the paper. "How can I learn these?" Thea asked looking at Andrius with hopeful eyes. 

"These are letters. from letters we can make words. meaningful words. you can write what you want by learning to write these letters princess" Andrius explained patiently. Thea sadly looked down and mumbled slowly "I don't know how to write". Andrius hold her face in both of his hand and made her look at her. Then said softly "Don't be sad princess. I'll help you to learn how to write and then we can start your schooling. At school you will get to learn many things princess. So don't be sad okay". Thea nodded her head intently with a cute smile because she was happy to know that she is going to learn to write and eventually going to be able to read those words and what they mean. 

After that Andrius decided its time to go out and do some shopping for Thea. "Now come on lets go shopping and have fun" Andrius said while going to grab car key. Thea silently followed him and Andrius helped her sit on the car and secured her by pulling the seat belt and he remind himself to buy her a car seat. Then he took off and Thea silently looked out the window and watched the passing vehicles and trees. 

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