Chapter 07

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Thea tried to move her hands but immediately she felt a pain going through because the IV attachement. She made a little inaudiable noise because of the sudden pain. With that subtle noise Andrius who sat in a chair holding her other free hand near her bed woke up from his sleepy state and looked at Thea asking "oh baby girl where does it hurt?". It is that moment Thea saw the person in the room. She blinked twice. All the pain she felt from her hand movement attached to the IV was long forgotten. She stared at him with her doe eyes filled with pain. Unintentionally tears started to pour from her eyes and Andrius who thought that she is in pain pressed the button in the hospital bed room to call the doctor.

"Doctor my daughter just woke up and please check she is crying". Andrius said to the doctor still holding one of her hand and stroking her head to calm her down. The doctor gently asked "Where does it hurt Thea" while checking her for any abnormalities. 

Little Thea just shook her head with a meek "no hurt". She kept staring at Andrius and hold on to his arm with her free hand tightly. 

After concluding that all is well with Thea, the doctor said to Andrius "There's no any problem with her. She is gonna be fine." and then looking at Thea "tell your father if you feel anything weird okay." the doctor kindly said taking Thea's attention from Andrius with the word "your father".

The doctor then continued looking at Andrius "you can take her home and if there's anything unusual bring her to the hospital". Andrius then said "okay doctor. Thank you". Then the doctor left the hospital room leaving Andrius and now sniffing Thea.

Andrius looked at Thea and he couln't summon up courage to look at her painful eyes. He cursed him for his ignorance. The guilt was drowning him. Without saying any word then he expresiionalessly proceeded to go through the discharging procedure leaving little Thea to feel like a burden.

Andrius called his driver to come. Thea sat on the back seat with Andrius without none of them uttering any word. The whole ride to the De Luca mansion was filled with an uncomfortable silence. 

Just as the car parked Bobby came and opened the car door for Thea. Still sitting in the back seat of the car , Thea looked at Andrius to silently ask permission to get off from the car, Andrius who is staring at her with his cold eyes without showing any emotion moved his gaze to Bobby who has opened the car door to Thea and without saying any word Andrius get off shoving the guard who opened the door for him. 

Thea's doe eyes filled with tears because of the harshness of Andrius. Bobby who couldn't bear Thea's crying scooped her in his arms and carried her to the inside of the mansion. She is now silently crying in his arms. 

Few days passed and Thea is now fully recovered with the constant care of Bobby and the staff members. But she yearned to see Andrius. Andrius made it his mission to avoid little Thea but keep watching her progress from afar. He always came home after his work and made it a habit to sit for few minutes in Thea's room looking at her peaceful sleeping face. Her adorable face gave him immense peace after a hefty day of work. He missed calling her his little princess, her cute little smile and her curiosity to learn things. He missed the bond they have built. But everything went down the drain because his recklessness. He couldn't muster up courage to look at her innoceont eyes and tell her why he never came home. 

So Andrius decided to fully assign Bobby to take care of Thea. Afterall when he was away Bobby was the one who took care of her like a father. And it is clear that Thea looks happy and comfortable around Bobby more than with anyone. So with a heavy heart and a bubbling jealousy towards Bobby's closeness with Thea, he decided to assign Bobby for the task of taking care of Thea. 

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