Chapter 06

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Thea has been coughing and sneezing for few days straight. It's usually one or two days of coughing because of cold back then when she was living in the pavement with Pirrip. She is immune to weather changes because she lived without a roof since the day she was born. So it's quite strange for her to feel this bad for too long. 

The maids who took care of her gave her some cough medicines but even after 5 days its not stopping. Then she started throwing up too. She couldn't eat anything, just after she gulp the food down she vomit them. Bobby bought some medicines after checking Thea up with a doctor. But the medicines were also not working. 

Thea felt so weak but even in her weak state she looked for Andrius. She asked Bobby as usual about Andrius' arrival. Bobby also tried to contact his boss. Once his assistant answered the call and told him that he was busy in a meeting. And two other attempts of calling were answered by one of his random one night stand and Bobby didn't try calling Andrius after that.

"Just try eating this soup miss Thea. You will feel fine after having something in your stomache after all throwing up." One of the female staff who is trying to feed her insisted. But Thea kept on lying on the bed without moving.

She has no energy even to shake her head. The poor soul just kept her eyes closed tireldy without having any energy left for moving or say any word. She looked so frail. Her skin looked so pale. After sometime of coaxing her to open her eyes and have the soup Thea opened her eyes and looked around for any trace of Andrius. But only the female staff member named Ally with a ball of soup and Bobby were there. Bobby tried to straghten her up and made her lean on him till Ally feed her. But suddenly Bobby felt Thea's frail body go limp and Ally also got frigtened looking at her unconcious body. 

Quickly Bobby carried her unconcious body in his hand and started running down the stairs trailling Ally behind him. All the staff gathered at the commotion and without taking any time a driver drew Bobby with unconcious Thea to the hospital. 

At the mansion staff members were gathering altogether and talking sympathetically about little Thea. She won the hearts of everyone in the mansion with her innoceonce. They all cared for her. 

Meanwhile, Andrius was checking some of his files but he couldn't find an important file. He remembered he kept the file at the study of his mansion. It was a confidential file so he didn;t want anyone to bring him that file. So he immediately left to his mansion to grab that file. 

Andrius reached the mansion and entered. He saw all the staff gathered together talking to each other. He felt a bubbling anger and shouted "Am I paying you for gossping with each other?"

Everyone stopped their talking and shockingly looked at their fuming boss. "Why are you all mute now? Can't talk ahh" Andrius shouted at them.

One of the staff member then came forward and said "Sir, its about miss Thea". 

Just as Andrius heard the name of Thea he stilled. Then impatiently waited till the person from the staff to continue his talking. 

"Miss Thea was sick for days and she fell unconcious. Bobby took her to hospital few minutes ago" He sorrowfully said.

As soon as Andrius heard his words he turned around and ran to his car and started the engine to go to the hospital. At this moment the regret of not checking up on Thea and not coming home to Thea washed over him. He reached the hospital in no time and asked for the room number of Thea. Then he ran where her room is and as he reached her room number he hesitated entering in. He looked inside from the glass window and saw his princess attached to an IV. He felt numb watching her in this state and a doctor checking her.

Someone came behind him and cleared the throat. Andrius didn't felt a presence till he hear the throat clearing. He turned around and saw Bobby. One of his staff member lookingb at him. Andrius composed himself and looked at him and acknowledged him "Bobby"

"Sir I called you to inform about Miss Thea. But you didn't answer." Bobby said. Andrius felt worst and cursed himself in his mind but kept his stone cold face in front of Bobby and nodded his head then entered the hospital room without saying anything. Bobby followed behind him.

Andrius went near the bed where his princess' laying. She looked so white and weak. Andrius stared at her with pain seeping through his veins for ignoring Thea for more than a month. He never thought that he is a reckless man until he sees Thea's laying figure in the hospital bed. He was a responsible man who managed a very successful hotel chain and have responsibily of thousands of his employees world wide. So how come he be so reckless to ignore his little princess.

"Are you the father of the patient?" The doctor's voice came taking Andrius' head off the thoughts of his recklessness. 

Without thinking Andrius said "Yes I'm her father. How is she doctor?". Then the doctor kept on giving his judgement about Thea's health condition and concluded that she was having a high fever and her weak body caused her to fall unconcious. 

"She will wake up soon and we want to keep her tonight at the hospital because we don't want to take any chances. You can take her home tommorow after making sure she is recovering well" the doctor said. 

Andrius who attentively lisneted to what doctor said nodded and said "Okay doctor. Thank you". With that the doctor went out of the room leaving Andrius and Bobby with the sleeping princess in silence.

"She looked for you everyday sir" After a pregnant silence Bobby voiced out and Andrius who kept stroking Thea's head looked at him stopping the movements. 

"I was busy" he simply said and started stroking her head again with heavy sadness carrying in his heart. "Thank you for taking care of my Thea while I was not there Bobby" Andrius sencerely said looking at him and continued  saying "You can go now".

Bobby nodded his head complying to his boss and after contemplating to whether ask or not he decided to tell "sir can you please tell me when she wakes up". 

Andrius stared at him for a moment and then nodded his head. Bobby then went back after closing the hospital room door quietly to make no sound to wake the little girl.

It's then Andrius' whole stoic  stone cold demeanor collapsed. He hold his little princess' hand and softly kept on mumuring  only one sentence"I'm sorry princess"


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