Chapter 09

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The soft morning light gently filtered through the sheer curtains of Andrius's room, casting a warm, golden hue across the space. The rays slowly crept toward his bed, making their way to his face, where they danced upon his closed eyelids. He squinted against the light, his brows knitting together as he slowly emerged from the depths of sleep. The room was still, quiet except for the faint rustling of leaves outside.

As consciousness began to settle in, the events of the previous day flooded his mind. A pang of worry gripped his chest as he remembered Thea's tearful declaration that she felt unwanted, her small voice trembling as she expressed her intention to leave the mansion. Panic surged through him at the thought, and with a jolt, he sat up, his eyes scanning the room frantically. Where was she? His heart pounded in his chest, his thoughts a blur as he called out, "Thea... Thea, where are you, baby?"

His voice echoed through the halls, laced with desperation. He threw the covers off and leaped out of bed, his feet carrying him out of the room in hurried strides. The hallway seemed longer than usual as he raced down it, the fear of losing her gnawing at his insides.

Just as he reached the top of the staircase, a familiar sound reached his ears-soft giggles mixed with the rustle of something crumbling. Relief washed over him like a cool breeze on a hot day. He skidded to a halt, his breath catching as he spotted Bobby at the bottom of the stairs, Thea perched comfortably on his broad shoulders. She was munching contentedly on a cookie, her tiny fingers grasping a few strands of Bobby's hair as if they were reins. Crumbs dotted Bobby's hair like sprinkles, and Thea seemed completely engrossed in her snack.

Andrius let out a shaky breath, his panic melting away as he saw her safe and sound. He descended the stairs quickly, his legs almost giving out from the sheer relief. When he reached them, he didn't hesitate. He moved to Bobby, his hands trembling slightly as he carefully lifted Thea from Bobby's shoulders.

Thea's eyes widened in surprise as she was transferred to Andrius's arms, the world tilting slightly as she went from being high up to being nestled against his chest. She stared up at Andrius with wide, innocent eyes, momentarily confused. But her confusion quickly turned to curiosity when she noticed something was missing. Her cookie!

Without a second thought, she began to squirm, her tiny hands reaching out toward where she'd been a moment ago. "Where's ma cookie?" she asked, her voice small and slightly indignant.

Andrius blinked, momentarily taken aback, before a chuckle rumbled from his chest. His worry now seemed like a distant memory as he kissed Thea's rosy cheeks, the sound of it loud and exaggerated. "Oh, my sweet Thea," he murmured, his lips brushing against her unruly curls. "You scared me for a moment there."

Thea wriggled in his arms, her focus still on the lost cookie, but Andrius's playful affection was hard to resist. She giggled, her earlier quest forgotten as she basked in his attention. Bobby, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but smile warmly. He knew how much Thea meant to Andrius, and seeing them together like this was a sight that always warmed his heart.

"Where did my baby girl go without waking me up, huh?" Andrius asked, his voice playful as he began to tickle her gently. Thea's giggles erupted, her tiny body writhing in his arms as she tried to escape the ticklish onslaught. Her laughter was contagious, filling the mansion with a joyous sound that made everything seem brighter.

"I... I was hungry, so I wentchu da kitchen, and Bobby gave me cookies and milk," she managed to squeak out between giggles, her words punctuated by bursts of laughter. Andrius grinned, his heart swelling with love for this little girl who had completely captured his heart.

"Is that so?" Andrius murmured, his lips still pressed against her curls as he inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. He began to walk toward the kitchen, Thea still cradled in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder now that she had calmed down. She felt warm and soft against him, a constant reminder of how precious she was.

When they reached the kitchen, Andrius gently set Thea down on the counter, making sure she was safe and secure. "How about we make some pancakes, hmm? I know my little princess loves pancakes with lots and lots of maple syrup," he said, winking at her.

Thea's eyes lit up at the mention of pancakes, and she clapped her hands excitedly. "Pancakes!" she squealed, her earlier adventure now completely forgotten.

Andrius chuckled and began gathering the ingredients, his movements fluid and practiced. As he mixed the batter, Thea started to sing her favorite nursery rhyme, her small voice filling the kitchen with its sweet melody. "Twinkle, twinkle, little toes... wiggle, wiggle, where they go!"

Andrius hummed along, his deep voice blending with her light, airy one. He smiled to himself, thinking that this was the perfect beginning to what promised to be a perfect day. There was something about these simple moments-cooking breakfast together, singing silly songs-that made him feel like the luckiest man in the world. His little princess and him, jamming to her favorite songs, both of them wearing contented smiles.

Once the pancakes were ready, Andrius served them up with a generous helping of syrup, just the way Thea liked it. He watched her dig in, her small hands clumsily wielding her fork as she concentrated on getting the perfect bite. It was a sight that never failed to warm his heart.

As they finished their breakfast, Andrius looked over at Thea, who was now engrossed in tracing the patterns on his tattooed arm with her tiny fingers. Her concentration was adorable, her little tongue poking out slightly as she focused on the intricate designs.

"Bobby, can you come here for a moment?" Andrius called out, his voice breaking the comfortable silence.

Bobby appeared at the door a moment later, his expression curious. "Yes, sir?"

Andrius smiled at him, a grateful look in his eyes. "You can have the day off this weekend. Take some time for yourself."

Bobby blinked, surprised by the unexpected gesture, but then a smile spread across his face. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it."

Thea looked up from Andrius's arm and waved enthusiastically at Bobby. "Bye-bye, Bobby! Have so much fun!" she called out, her voice cheerful.

Bobby chuckled and waved back. "Bye, Miss Thea. See you, boss," he said, before turning to leave the room.

As Bobby's footsteps faded down the hallway, the room settled into a calm, comfortable silence. Andrius looked down at Thea, who was now playing with a strand of his hair, twirling it around her tiny finger. His heart swelled with affection, and he couldn't resist leaning down to plant a soft kiss on her forehead.

"So, baby girl, what do you want to do today?" he asked, his voice gentle as he stroked her hair.

Thea tilted her head to the side, her face scrunching up in thought as she pondered his question. Her little thinking face was so adorable that Andrius couldn't help but coo at her, his heart melting at the sight.

"I wanna draw and swim and play on the swinger!" Thea finally exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement.

Andrius chuckled, nodding as he imagined the day ahead. "Okay, baby, let's do just that," he agreed, his smile wide and genuine. The day stretched out before them, full of possibilities and fun.

After a morning full of art, laughter, and splashes in the pool, the day slowly wound down to a calm, cozy evening. Thea and Andrius, both tired from their adventures, cuddled up on the couch with a soft blanket draped over them. Thea's eyelids began to droop as Andrius softly hummed a lullaby, her small body snuggled close to his as she drifted off to sleep.

Andrius carefully carried her up to her room, her tiny form almost weightless in his arms. He tucked her into bed, her favorite stuffed animal clutched in her arms, and kissed her goodnight. As he watched her sleep, a peaceful smile graced his face. Thea's breathing was slow and steady, her little chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm.

Andrius felt a deep sense of contentment as he stood there, watching over her. Today had been perfect, just as he'd hoped. He quietly left her room, closing the door softly behind him, already looking forward to the adventures tomorrow would bring with his precious little girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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