Chapter 3: The Shape In Your Back

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It has been three minutes and Michael is still after you. Good thing you already know how to run and dodge that big boy but ain't enough in the long term.
He is defenitly catching up on you and your wound now hurts badly, making you slower at every step.

While being chased, you saw Quentin working on a gen next to the shack. No sign of Claudette or the other survivor yet.

As you hear his generator turning on, Michael finally lands his knife in your back and puts you down.
You knew it would hurt, but getting stabbed for real is something else. You can't hold your tears and the only reason you are not screaming is because you're out of breath.

You're feeling dizzy, everything seems slower, heavier, your whole body is numb. You try to crawl in the dust, circled by the sun, the corns and him. His large hand grabs your hip and pulls you up from the floor.
That's it. You will taste the hook for the first time. Being aware of it won't help you supporting the pain.

You're almost on his shoulder when you hear something... Like a metallic widget falling on the ground.

Then comes a resonating boom followed by a flash.

Michael drops you to cover his eyes ; grunting through his mask as you land poorely on your feet. You face Leon who's pointing toward the Thompson's house before taunting the Boogeyman to cover your escape.

You flee away to the building, panting and whinning heavily until you meet Claudette at the entrance. She saw you coming from upstairs and jumped down to heal you.
She gets some bandages and deinfectants out of her medkit and starts treating your wounds. Unlike in the video game, being healed doesn't magically vanish the damages your body as endured. Your back still hurt and your wounds threaten to reopen, but at least you're not bleeding anymore and the pain is manageable enough to run and move without limping or falling.

" I saw Leon saving you. He's a pro with those flashbangs."

" Yeah. I will thank him later for that. I hope he'll make it out against Michael...."

" I hope too."

She grabs your hand and pulls you in the house :

" Come with me. The genenator on the balcony is halfway done. We should have enough time to finish it. "

You don't want to tell her that you don't know yet how to prevent the gen from exploding in your face and cross your fingers for everything to go smooth with the engine.

You both get your hands dirty in the oil cables. Maybe the wire part was to hard for you and this side will be easier to handle. You keep your mind focused on the job in case something is prone to get you wrong.
As you hear Claudette struggling on her side by forcing and pushing hard for no apparent reason, something catch your attention.
Weird sparkling ashes pop from one of the cables, gaining in intensity as the pressure inside of it grows.

Then, the generator explodes.

" Are you OK y/n?"

You finally understand how it works. The skillcheks are litteraly the entity sabotaging your progress. You know you could had avoided the explosion if you had pinched the cable just for a seconde to decrease the pressure until the entity was gone.

" Yeah, I'm good. Just figuring out things. Sorry for that."

You tell yourself that you got tricked by the entity for the last time and dig your hands in the cables once again. Now that you've acknowledged how it works, starting that damn generator should be a piece of cake.

You both need half a minute to finally finish that gen off. You immediatly rise up to ask Claudette what to do next and freeze as you see the Shape in her back, rising his knife up for a stab.

Claudette's got down with one hit and now he is looking at you.

You leave the balcony by the window next to you and let yourself drop by the hole on the floor before leaving the building.

You check over your shoulder if he is on your tracks.

He is.

He stopped chasing Leon and let Claudette on the floor to hunt you. He won't let go of you. He is acting as if he was...

"... Obsessed. I'm his fucking obsession! That freak doesn't care if the other three manage to escape as long as he gets me! Why? Is that a welcome treat Michael?!"

Of course, he won't answer you. Not like you were expecting any answer anyway. The only thing you can do now is running and hoping you can handle the chase long enough for the gates to be opened.


No. There is no way you can keep distance with him until three gens pop. He will catch up on you sooner or later and if Leon isn't there to use another flashbang, you bet he will camp you on the hook and nobody will be able to get you off.

You need to get to the shack quickly. That's the only way you can spare some time for the others and for yourself. At least, you know you won't disturb someone doing a gen over there.

You successfully stun him with a palett nearby and use that time to rush for that little cabin you know so well.

You do better than you thought, even without the red light to give you a hint of his next move. Two gens have popped yet. But you also got hit once in the process.

"Come on y/n... Just a bit more... A little bit. The last gen should get started at any moment now."

You start to be exhausted by your injure and the chase itself.
You're making more and more mistakes and Myers is getting faster and faster.

You hear a loud alarm resonate in the fields. The doors are powered and ready to be opened!
A smile ornates your face with relief as you got distracted and that split second was enough for Michael to put you on the ground again.

You rise your head up and see Leon hiding behind the corns, ready for the save.

But instead of getting pulled off by the hips, the Halloween killer rolls you on your back before grabbing you by the neck. You can feel how strong he is as he maintains you in the air with his powerful arm while you hit him with your feet and fists, unsucessfully.

The first stab in your stomach is so painful, you feel like an agonising animal convulsing on the side of the road, desperately using its last sparks of life in hope of survival.

Then comes the second stab, from under your ribs and piercing your lung and heart. You can't really scale the pain as you instantly feel cold and numb, gargling blood and loosing all strength and energy in your limbs.

Michael throws you like a ragdoll on the floor and stays there, staring at you while you expire your last breath.

Comes the fog again. Surrounding you, body, soul and spirit into the emptyness.

You can't move, can't feel, can't think as you're getting teleported back to the campfire.

This is your new reality from now on. Welcome to Dead by daylight, where death isn't an escape.

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