Chapter 17: Friends and ennemies

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You approach the campfire, juggling and swirling the branch all around you.

"I'm back, everyone. Did you miss me?"

Of course, they are not as warmhearted as your survivors friends and as you expected, none of them care. You put the pointy tip of the stick into the fire, just enough to burn off the bark of it. Once done, you scrape it on the edge of the barrel, reshaping the point and making it sharper.

"Are the survivors still believing you're one of them?" Asks Freddy.

"About that..."

You glance on your left, confirming that you're close enough of your target, clamp your hands around your madeshift spear and charge.
The freshly burnt end of the branch dissapear in a spray of blood as it sinks deeply into Herman's stomach. The Doctor only had enough time to stand up, which gave you a wide opening to strike. The man gasps and grunts as the spear presses on his organs and pushes the last muscles before popping out from his back. You keep pushing on the spear, making sure to make it as painful to get it in than out.

It doesn't take long before the Entity interferes, once more, to stop your assault. But this time, it didn't pull you of your victim and simply impaled you right on the spot, which means that you still got your improvised weapon in your hands. And you won't let it go easily.

"What was that about?"

Freddy and some other killers grouped up around the two of you, trying to understand what happened.

Thankfully, the Entity hasn't pierced your lungs and throat, giving you the opportunity to painfully answer:

"That bitch almost screwed up my cover! He kept acting up during trials trying to make the survivors be affraid of me."

The Doctor lets out a burst of laughter which you cut off by stirring the spear around.

"Gladly I made up another lie to get out of it, so everything is fine. But I know this motherfucker gonna try it again on his next match!"

You move the spear vividly inside of him, making sure to break any confidence left in his twisted mind.
You notice a gloved hand resting on the Doctor's shoulder and rapidly see Ghostface's mask getting close of him.

"For once we had someone that could spy on the survivors, you had to fuck it up, right Herman?"

Freddy joins in:

"To be honnest, I am quite interested to get a bit of gossip about our victims. Even more if I can get whatever plans or tactics they want to use against us. Would be a shame if 'someone' screw it up, right?"

You're glad to see that you've rallied some killers to your cause, adding more pressure on Herman's will to mess up with you. Only Danny and Freddy had spoke but you know a few of the others agree with them and could be joining the argument if the Doctor keeps acting up against you.

Herman, now very quiet, stares at you. You know you've won that battle and will be untroubled for a while. But you got to keep an eye on him, as the war between the two of you is far from ending.

You release the spear, letting the Doctor free to pull it off... if he dares. The Entity, against all odds, immediatly let you go and heals your wounds. Maybe It knows that you won't attack now the problem is solved.

For the next fifteen minutes, you watch Herman trying to get the branch out of him. Apparently, all those wiggles you've done had got it stuck firmly between his ribs and the poor man, due to his wound, has not enough strength to pull it out. The Entity won't heal him and no one has offer him help yet, letting him all alone with his problem.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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