Chapter 5: Chatty killer

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After what seems to be a day, the entity calls upon you for a new trial.
From what you saw; Jake, Zarina, and Adam are paired with you.

Once the fog goes out of your sight, the first thing you see is an enormous dead tree in the middle of a small, gloomy forest.

"Great... shelter wood. Worst map ever. "

"What did you say?"

It seems that Adam spawned in the shack behind you.

"I said that this place sucks."

He nods with a smirk.

You both are about to begin working on a gen next to the shack when your heart starts rushing.

As you are scanning the area, you hear loud panting approaching. Someone is running toward you.

"Shit... I think it's Legi..."

Before you say anymore, Adam got stabbed in the back and runs toward the cabin, severely bleeding from his wound.

Legion is now coming after you but you were already waiting under a palette and stunned him out of his frenzy.

You both look at each other.

"So you are the new survivor. Pretty reactive for a newbie."

Since Michael doesn't talk, the entity must have 'warned' the killers of your arrival and that could explain why Franck looks like he was expecting to meet you.
Good thing is... Michael doesn't talk! Franck has no idea how good you are at this game and that leaves plenty of opportunities for you to counter him.

But first, you have one question that haunts you since you got teleported in the fog.

"Hey Franck, got a question. How is the new killer?"

You are afraid of who could be the monster that came with you here. There are so many serial killers, sociopaths, and so many tales and stories about creatures and ghosts that could have inspired the entity.

"Would like to know too. "

"What do you mean? You haven't seen them yet?"

"We know there is a new survivor and a new killer. But usually, the killer spawns in our camp with us. But we haven't seen them yet."

Those three sentences gave you so much information. Killers are, indeed, warned about newcomers on each side; they have a camp where they all rest like survivors, and the new killer that came along with you never showed up. That could only mean two things.

One, the entity has a specific plan for them, and that is why they didn't spawn with the others.
Two, that killer managed to escape the entity's awareness.

In any case, that monster must be strong and threatening.

Two gens popped at the same time. One behind the shack and the other in a corner of the map.

"You know what? Since you're new, I'm gonna be nice and give you five seconds to start running. Better flee away now, dolly! Five... Four..."

You can't help but smirk at him before sprinting toward the first good loop you can find. You hear Franck breaking the palette while you take some distance.

Thinking about it, the fact he offers you some spare time after losing two gens sounds like a trap. Better be prepared for a late-game plan from him.
Good new that fool doesn't know how much you will make value from his 'act of kindness'.

You just find a good palette that got some rocks and trees on both sides. There is enough distance to run back and forth and keep the killer away while being able to see him properly to predict his moves.

After a full minute of running in circle and threatening to drop the palette on his head when he gets too close, he stops moving and yells at you :

"What the fuck are you doing? We both look like dumb kids playing tag around those rocks."

"True, we look dumb. But the dumbest is the one that can catch up on the other."

You finish with a mocking smile and some giggle. He is now infuriated, grunting and screaming at you as the chase goes longer and longer.

It's been more than three minutes, and two other gens had popped you are still on that same palette, running like idiots with Franck getting angrier and angrier. Better not get caught at the end or he'll make you pay for this humiliation.

After meeting Myers, who is the most unpredictable killer, you can read Frank's moves without any difficulty.
If everything goes as planned, you can handle the chase until the doors are open and make it out.
Unless Frank suddenly understands how to break your mind game, which is unlikely since the man is getting angrier with each turn around the trees, you should be fine.

He stops running mid-way to the palette , staring at you through the rocks:

"Now I think about it... How do you know my name?"

Knowing you would hardly find a good explanation for that, you play the mysterious attitude :

"It's not because I know your secrets that I should give you mines."

Last gen pops and your sight catches something that frightens you to the core.
There was a totem here, hidden behind some grass. And it just lights up in front of you.

Your eyes meet Frank's ones and his rageful glare is now tainted with determination and confidence.

The chase gets back on and you're not as mocking as earlier.
You nearly got hit when you slammed the palette on his skull, giving you one last opportunity to escape.

The door is about thirty meters away, with one window mid-way and it's ready to be opened.

This is a one-chance run.

You give your legs all the adrenaline your heart can pump and rush for the gate.

Thirty meters, Franck is breaking the palette and follows you.

Twenty meters, he is getting closer.

Ten meters, you use the window, hoping it will help to get away.

Five meters, Jake opens the gate with Zarina on his side. You yell at them to run away fast.

Three meters, Frank's about to hit you again. You barely dodged it.

One meter, he goes for a stab again and you fall to the ground. You manage to crawl to the other side, where the entity spikes can protect you from him.

You escaped. But you feel his grudge up in your back. Your next encounter with him promises to be... Interesting.

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