Chapter 8 : Keep the secret

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You came back to your mind and calm down with the support of the survivors surrounding you. Once your tears dried up and you're tremors ceased, Claudette, who is definitely the most empathic of all, gently asks you:

"What happened in the forest that put you in such distress?"

Before you give any answer, Yun-jin steps in, wanting HER question to get priority:

"First of all, what were you doing in the woods all alone?"

Some of your mates try to cover you, saying that many go into the forest without them being suspicious to her. Others who aren't trusting you yet imply that you've made a lot of shady moves already and they just want to make sure you're not selling them or something.
You could say that you just wanted to go for a walk and discover your surroundings, or that you wanted to take a break after your second trial. But dishonesty is surely something you despise and decide to tell the truth instead:

"I wanted to know if my theory about the killers living in the same forest as us was true or not..."

You got the talent to make everyone uncomfortable with a few words. They are all standing still, once again, staring at you with a mix of surprise, curiosity, and dread.

"Is that the reason why you jumped out of there terrorized?"

You didn't think of a proper answer and immediately reply :

"Yes. They are down here with us."

You don't pay attention to them anymore. And they are too busy arguing about this new problem you just brought up to notice you. 
You look lonely sitting on that log but in your head, there is a vivid debate:

*Why did I lie to them? I was just thinking about being honest with them and in less than a minute I'm already lying. What is wrong with me?*

*No, I didn't lie! I told them the truth. The killers are in the forest too and that's what they asked for.*

*I'm being dishonest with myself. It's not about telling them the killers are here or not... It's about telling them... what I am.*

*Well, omitting something isn't really lying. If they learn about my double identity, they'll freak out and I will never gain their trust again.*

*I would have freaked out too if I was in their shoes...*

*I should tell them about 'the new killer' and all I know about it. After all, I created that monstrosity. I want them to get all the tools to fight against me next time. But let's keep my 'link' with that killer secret.*

*But what will happen when they see FIVE survivors being summoned to a trial every time they meet that killer? They will do the maths and my cover will shatter after one sole match.*



"Oi ! Huston, we've got a problem! Shake it off! Wake up !"

Meg is shaking your shoulder strongly while snapping her fingers in front of your face like she would do to get you out of Freddy's dream world.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I might have phased out."

Elodie softly grabs Meg's hand to make her stop:

"Don't worry, it happens sometimes. but besides the killer's camp, we got another bad new. Some of us met the new killer."

It is the moment you have to fake it. Fake it to the point you could believe your own lies. No doubt or hesitation, stay coherent but don't think too much. Were you good at pretend games when you were a kid?
You focus on your emotions. What would you feel if they find any clue on how to escape the entity realm?
Yes, you got it. That feeling of surprised mix with the desire to know more.

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