Chapter 13: Friends first

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You stayed isolated for a while, either resting or connecting the dots together. You've seen a bunch of killers wandering in the wood, some passing by and others coming closer for a chat. You let them know that you weren't up for a conversation, which was understood by most, but a few were lacking manners and stayed with you for a couple minutes.
Of course, Danny had to try making friends with you again. You said that he might get himself out of your potential relationships if he kept forcing discussion when you were seeking for peace. You didn't see him again. Guess he got the memo this time.

The mark appears again. You've got selected an hour ago and faced the cenobite. As you expected, the demon isn't open for information trade. He is not even caring about the entity or it's realm as he can still access his own world. How the hell the entity got him there?
You didn't escaped. And as you were apprehending, the chains hurt badly and freeing yourself from them make it worse.

The thick black smoke covers your eyes as you try to guess which monster you'll have to fight this time.

Badham pre-school. You smile for yourself. Gotta have fun running the killer in the 'house of pain'.

You're about to enter the main building when you here a loud noise cracking the odd silence.

A gun shot. It's the Deathslinger.

You take a look behind you but see no one. They are too far from you. At least, you can rush the generator in the basement before he gets to you.
Once downstairs, you meet Thalita, already working on the engine and waving at you. You get you hands dirty in the oil cables while the first survivor is getting hooked. You recognize the voice as David one's. You hope the last teammate will take care of him and in a matter of a minute, the gen is done.

The girl raises her hand for a high five but before you could answer it, a spear impales her from the back and pulls her away from you. You watch her getting closer from the killer as you try to calm your heart. Why didn't you hear him coming? Was that tinkerer?

Thalita reaches his weapon's range and the cowboy gives a good slice in her skin, projecting blood everywhere, including your face.
Since he's blocking the staircase, the girl runs through the underground followed by you. Leaving the room, you hear the old man laugh, the same you get in the video game, sadistic and irritating. The last sounds you get are the clicking noises of his gun being reload and his footsteps going up the stairs.


"Don't go! He's waiti..."

A bang. A wet fleshy noise. A scream. The rattling of the chain.

She is down anyway, you need to get out from here before he's done with her. You go back to the generator's room and climb up the stairs as your friend meets the killer's blade once again. You nearly avoid getting hit when you got through the door frame and rush outside, searching for a hiding spot. Once out of sight, you take few seconds to think what you should do next. Are you trying to unhook the girl with the killer patrolling around or do you get to a gen and hope someone else will save her?

Her scream pulls you off your thoughts. She has been hooked farther than you would have expected.
You decide to search for a new generator, telling yourself that someone will get her off. You find one in the middle of the street, working on it while you hear multiple gunshot echoing between the houses. At last, he finally caught his prey as Felix's voice rises not once but twice through the thick air. He might have got downed next to a hook.

You get startled when two groaning silouhettes run next to you. Both David and Thalita join you on your generator, injured but determined. You leave them, asking to finish the job while you help your german friend.

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