Friendships Change For The Worst

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September 7 2022

Wilbur's pov
I woke up at 4:50am,and decided to go visit my buddy Jschlatt we met in elementary school and will never be separated.I got up and changed after I went downstairs and took an apple to eat on my way there then I started walking to schlatt's house.There I was climbing to get to schlatt's window after I finally reached it I decided to knock on it after waiting sometime my buddy ended up opening the window and I went in.I greeted him and he greeted back.We chatted abit about tommy and stuff but then he spoked up "so wilbur wanna get drunk as hell or would you rather prefer vaping?" I sighed "Schlatt I promised Phil that I wouldn't anymore for tommy" he replied back "Fine suit yourself then"
He went downstairs and came back holding a bottle of vodka and started drinking it,I was worried because when schlatt is drunk he can get physical, I learned this from quackity who used to date him,me and schlatt talked for a bit well he was basically slurring his words but I kinda understood him.after some time of talking he finished the whole bottle and then took out a vaper he had in his pocket and started vaping,it was like those vapors that had a scent aka flavor,he started speaking "let's go visit Alex I miss him so much" he spoke "Schlatt you're drunk no way" i said but i think I pissed him off because he started walking towards me and I couldn't even process straight because he punched me in the face and started beating me up,I tried fighting back and dodging but then schlatt started speaking "I SEE THE WAY HE LOOKS AT YOU SOOT" I replied back confused and terrified "schlatt what do you mean.." He replied back "ALEX I SEE HOW YOU LOOK AT HIM AND HOW HE LOOKS AT YOU" I was shocked because me and Alex had a complicated relationship but I'm pretty sure we like each other.I couldn't even respond because he started beating me up so badly that I almost passed out but the police showed up and grabbed schlatt and me,then took us into the office and we waited there to be called.I was shaking so badly that I didn't even notice till the police officer said "kid calm down" after being interegated they called our parents and I was more terrified because I though of the look on Phil's face when he sees me,after schlatt's parents came and were shocked to see me so beaten up and schlatt being drunk they ended up taking schlatt home but were going to scold him and locked away the alcohol.After 20 minutes Phil vame after schlatt's parents and when he saw me he froze in place and started asking me questions I tried answering all of them without stuttering and shaking.After we went to the car and he started driving us back home,he would always look at me when a red light would come up,when we made it home techno and tommy were gone but Phil told me that techno went to take tommy to hangout with a friend,Phil ended up bandaging me and we decided to watch a movie and it was pretty nice.After we had some snacks and then techno and tommy came and tommy went to his room,we started asking techno a lot of questions like if they bonded and all of that and he replied with a yes and told us everything,I was pretty happy because techno was very anti social and anxious when it comes to people it took him like 5 months to warm up to me I'm glad it's not taking that long with tommy.I think techno didn't notice me being bandage after techno went to his room to sleep since they came back at 8pm,I was about to go but then Phil said my name and I turned around terrified but then he said "I'm proud of you not breaking our promise" then he smiled and I smiled back and I hugged him and said "goodnight dad" and he said "goodnight son" after I went upstairs and went to bed.

Phil's pov
I was so worried when I got a call from the police telling me to come to the station,my mind started telling me thst will had broke the promise and got drunk and did something.When I walked to the station I was right expecting my son to be beating up so badly by his best friend who was drunk. When we left the station and drove home I kept checking on him to make sure he wouldn't pass out or bleed to death as soon as we got home I bandaged him up and i told him about techno taking tommy to go hang out with a friend then we watched some of his favorites movies to comfort him.After tomny and techno came back and tommy went upstairs while techno stayed down and we started asking him questions and he replied with yes,I could see that wil was happy knowing his brother is warming up to tommy.After techno left for bed and wilbur was about to but I called him and told him how happy I was thst he didn't broke the promised,he hugged me and said goodnight and I said it back and he went to bed and then I went to my room and went to bed.

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