Hanging On

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September 13 2022

Tommy's pov
I woke up at 4am because of the dream I had and I heard the two voices in my head telling me hateful things about me like how useless I am,I tried to shake away the negative thoughts from coming but it was too late and there I was sitting down with a bloody razor in my right hand and 5 deep cuts in both of my arms.I quickly went into my bathroom and washed the razor then I wrapped my arms in bandages,I checked the time and it was 5:50am so I quickly put my school uniform but the shirt was long sleeve this time.i grabbed my backpack and went downstairs and watched television after the time became 6am and phil,techno and wil came down and I greeted them but they ignored me and it hurted my feelings. I grabbed an apple and say bye to them but they ignore me again,so I left the house and started walking to the bus stop and thought about what I did wrong and those thoughts came back saying "they got annoyed of you" "they hate you",the bus ended up coming and I got in and was about to sit next to bill when he quickly moved to sit with another kid so I sat where he was seated ,when I got to school I putted my stuff in my locker and my friends passed me and i said hi to them but they ignored me also.I started getting annoyed I quickly went to my 1st class and tried talking to bill but he ignored me everything so I gave up and tried paying attention but a thought came up saying "kill yourself to see if they care" that thought never left my brain when I went into my classes I tried doing the same thing thst I did to bill to the others but they also ignored me so I gave up trying,it was lunch time so I went to the bathroom to changed my bandages when Jared walked in and pushed me down and started saying "Aww look at his cuts" he said to his friends who walked in,they all started laughing and I was on the verge of tears so I quickly ran away pushing through them.I decided to skip my last class because of what happened earlier I grabbed my backpack and noticd I had some money so I decided to go to a store and I brought myself a rope and left the story with rope in my backpack.

Cricket Crew pov
We were at lunch waiting for tomny to come in and talk to us but he never walked in the lunch doors which got us worried but we pushed it aside thinking he just had to stay In class more,but when school was over he wasn't waiting for us but maybe he just left early or he left with one of his siblings.So we stopped being worried.

Tommy's pov
As soon as I walked in,I greeted phil,wil and techno but they ignored me I started getting annoyed,so I went upstairs and did my homework after I finished my homework which took 30 minhtes.I wrote a note for my family I grabbed the chair that I had in my room I tied the rope somewhere I grabbed the notebook ranboo gave and putted it next to the paper.Then i went on the chair and tied the other part of the rope on my neck and when I think it was tied good,I kicked the chair and struggle breathing I started tearing up because I didn't wanna die yet but the world treated me badly and I wanted to be free from all my problems I closed my eyes and everything went black.

Wilbur's pov
Tommy hasn't came down for dinner so phil sent me to go bring tommy down,but I wasn't expecting to go upstairs and enter my little brother's room to find him there hanging and not moving at all,all I could do was scream and cry phil quickly came and saw him there told techno to bring a knife.When techno came with the knife he was shocked and quickly cutted the rope and Tommy's body fell down and Phil sat next to him hugging and crying me and techno did the same thing.The only noise you could hear were our sobs phil ended up calling puffy and telling her the news she ended up coming over with tubbo and ranboo who were shocked and upset,you could see they have been crying because of their puffy red eyes,even we had our eyes like that.We decided to invite Tommy's friends over also and told them the news,they were upset.We told them that we would do the funeral on September 15,they nodded and left,it was hard on all of us knowing that we lost someone who was special to all of us in different ways.

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