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"How am I going to get home?" Meg asked. Jo and I were holding her either side trying to keep the pressure off her sprained ankle. We pushed through the crowd and made our way down the hallways. People walked past us completely unphased by the hopping woman. I extended my arm to make sure I wasn't accidentally run into and therefore causing poor Meg to topple over. Laurie was behind us by a few steps and the constant accidental stepping on the back of my shoe wasn't helping.

"Well, I don't see what you can do, except get a carriage or stay here all night" Jo suggested.

"Carriages are too expensive" Meg complained.

"Let us take you" Laurie said. Now walking beside me.

"It's right next door" I continued.

"Oh. No, thank you. We cannot except"

"You must take ours, please?" Laurie pleaded.

"It's the least we could do," I said. Laurie smiled at me, knowing we were both on the same page.

"No. It's so early. You can't mean to leave yet. Plus you owe Y/N a dance"
Meg said. Attempting to use any means necessary to change our minds.

"I wasn't one for crowded ballrooms anyway" I assure.

"And I always leave early. I do, truly" Laurie protested.

"What choice do you have, hm?" Jo asked. Meg contemplated her options. She took a deep breath and bit her lip. She turned to Jo, finally accepting defeat. Jo smiled, Laurie and I winked at each other. Knowing we had won.


We all made our way up the path that led to the March's house. Laurie had given me a chance to walk by myself. He and Jo supported Meg, as the two girls bickered back and forth. I couldn't help but laugh at their insults towards one another. I took a chance at revenge and started to step on the back of Laurie's shoe. Jo snickering every time he started to limp into his steps. He's acting like he's the one with the sprained ankle.

"I told you those shoes were too small" Jo said to Meg.

The front door opened just as I was about to knock. A kind looking Mrs. March smiled at me. She held a table cloth and a strange? I'm not even sure what it was. She was about to say something, Then she noticed Jo and Laurie supporting Meg. She was surprised in delight and gleeful shock as Meg hopped to the front door. "Goodness gracious. What have you done!?" She asked.

"She lame and can't walk. She's hobbling" Jo said. I stifled a laugh under my breath.

Footsteps sounded from the staircase, down came two very energetic girls. They were maybe a few years younger than me. One had blonde hair and a sharp features. The other had red hair and a softer face. They ran towards Meg and Jo. Asking questions as to what had happened to their now injured sister. They crowded around them, causing me and Laurie to stand off to the side. I stood there not knowing what to do. Laurie just shrugged at me.

"Clear that chair. You're supposed to be asleep" their mother said. "Help your sister, then back to bed"

The two girls took Meg from Laurie and Jo. Walking her into the living room, Jo walking in front. "Make room. Meg is a wounded soldier!" she announced, very confidently I might add. Meg and the girls walked behind her and Mrs. March a few steps behind them.

"I sprained my ankle" Meg complained.

"Oh, Meg, you'll kill yourself for fashion one of these days"

They sat her down on a chair, making sure she was comfortable. The girls came to her aid as soon as she was. I must admit the March house is lovely and homey. Laurie and I stood off to the side watching the sisters take care of their wounded soldier. "Here. Hannah, we need ice!". Mrs. March got down to examine Meg's ankle. She turned to us and smiled once more. "Oh, come in. Come in" she said.

"Is it all right?" Laurie asked. We walked in the living room in front of the March's.

"Apologies for the chaos. I enjoy baking in the middle of the night. Don't mind the clutter Mr. Laurence, Miss L/N. We don't" Mrs. March explained.

"Laurie, please"

"And Y/N's just fine" I smiled.

Jo removed some of her dress layers. "Can I call you Teddy?" she asked.

"Yes" Laurie nodded.

"You must be part of their theatricals. They could use extra players"

The younger blonde girl looked over to us and smiled. "I'm Amy"

"Hello" We both said.

"You'll have to fight Jo for the male roles or play a girl. Have a scone" Mrs. March handed us a baked good. She was so full of energy it was hard to keep up.

"Well then, Jo might just have to fight me" I said. Jo smiled at me and I poked my tongue out at her.

"Yes, thank you" Laurie said, examining the scone. I didn't care, I just bit straight into it.

"And Ice. Laurie, Y/N, how are your ankles? Do you need ice?"

"No, thank you, ma'am" he replied.

"Just call me "mother" or Marmee. Everyone does" Marmee said. I couldn't help but smile at her. I caught Laurie smiling as well.

Marmee, Amy, Jo and the sister I hadn't learnt the name of yet. Tended to Meg, applying ice to her ankle. "You wore those pink shoes?" Hannah I assume asked. Meg placed a hand on her forehead out of what seemed to be embarrassment. Hannah tapped her forehead. As Jo and her sister sat on the floor. "Ah, it's cold" the red-haired girl hissed.

"But they looked so good, okay?!" Meg defended against Hannah's comment.

"Do you want more ice?" Jo asked.

Laurie and I couldn't help but smile at the family. The two of us, we only ever had each other. I hadn't had any siblings of my own. My parents both passed from scarlet fever when I was young. Mr. Laurence was kind enough to take me in. So in its own way Laurie was truly the only family I had. Seeing the March's like this, made me feel as though I was their sister. And it warmed my heart.

"Feels like being a fine young lady. To come home from a party in a carriage and having maids wait on me. Ah!" Meg gasped as they placed the ice on her sprain.


Laurie and I tracked through the frostbitten yard. Snow crunching under our feet, sounding satisfying with every step. Soft footprints trailing behind us. I kept walking and suddenly noticed Laurie wasn't next to me. I turned back to see him staring at the house. I followed his line of vision to see Jo. Who was writing something down in her bedroom. I couldn't see Laurie smile, quite honestly I didn't need to. I just knew and knowing so made me feel as though I had been shot through the heart.


Girl in red
What are you to him?
Are you whom I long to be
The one who owns his smiles
his heart
Whom I long to be
I will not let my life
Be consumed by this jealousy
But I do because I feel
As though it's meant to be
So girl in red
Who are you, if not against me?


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