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The soft breeze came in contact with my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. I sat on the swing that hung from a majestic oak tree. Laurie and I had built it when we were children. Now it was one of my sources of inspiration, my quiet place. A place where I could let my worries go. Where I felt at peace and tranquil. I looked upwards, seeing the sunlight peeking through the leaves. The branches growing taller and taller. I started to kick my legs back and forth. Hoping to reach those peaks. I held out my hand as it brushed the soft green petals. The swing fell back to its still position. I sighed in delight, that feeling of rising and falling made my heart beat out of my chest. I smiled at how a familiar feeling from my childhood was still there. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me. I didn't have to turn around to guess who it was. We were the only ones who came out here. It was our spot after all.

"Y/N" A voice spoke, 'That's not Laurie' I quirked an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, if I'm disturbing you," they spoke again. I turned around and was met with the kind eyes of Jo. "If you'd like, I can come back later" she said.

"No, it's alright" I smiled.

She walked over to me, her eyes filled with curiosity and joy as she examined the tree and the swing. She noticed the paper on my lap. She looked over the words on the parchment, mouthing the words she read. Suddenly, she pulled it into her hands and took it all in. She seemed fascinated by it and smiled brightly. I couldn't help but feel giddy. Knowing she, a talented writer, found something in my poetry to smile about.

"You're very good, I must say" She complimented. As she handed it back to me.

"Thank you. What was it you needed that you came all this way looking for me?" I asked. She smiled brightly once more and held out her hand. I didn't know what she was planning. Although I took it without any hesitation.


We walked across the way to the March house. She quietly opened the door, trying not to be noticed. 'Why were we here?' I wondered, 'and why she was being so secretive. "Jo, what are we doing?" I asked, confused.

"Shh" she said, she looked into the living room, there sat Marmee, Amy, Hannah, Meg and Beth. I wanted to go greet them. And get a hug from Marmee as I always did. Although I couldn't because she practically dragged me up the stairs. Jo gripped my arm as she headed upstairs. 'Wow, she's got a strong grip'. "Jo!" I whisper yelled, as I started to trip over my own feet. "Shh!".

She didn't want anyone to hear me or see me?, I'm starting to think Jo March may be trying to kill me.

We climbed the stairs all the way up to the attic. In the well lit space, were chairs, a hanger with multiple costumes and decorations hanging from the ceiling. It was quite a charming room, knickknacks scattered around the place. And on a small table, was a script? Jo watched as I examined the piece of paper. Written below the title and the words that read, Written by Jo March, was a cast list.

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