Chapter 1

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Andy's POV

Andy was always so sure of what he was going to do with his life. Become a welder, drive a tractor everywhere, live in the country with a hot wife and a big dog to keep perverts away. That is before he actually got to know Blaine. He was friends with him, but not like this. He has never had a friendship like this.

"Andy, are you okay?" Andy looks up at Blaine and his breath hitches. He knew this was not a normal reaction.

Andy clears his throat and tells Blaine, "Yeah, I'm alright."

"Okay, you're alright then. Are you ready to head out?"

"Yeah, just give me a second." Andy quickly walked away from Blaine and headed for the bathroom. The school day had already ended a couple of hours before. The dim hallways were desolate, as Andy and Blaine were the only ones there. Having just finished football practice, they were about to head out.

Andy quickly walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. He stopped to look at himself in the mirror. Staring at himself in the mirror, he turns on the faucet and lets the water fill up. He puts his face into the water, leaving it until he's almost out of air, then pulls his head up and stares at himself again.

The door swings open and Andy jerks his head to see Blaine strolling in, "you sure you're alright dude? You don't look like you are."

"Yeah, I'm fine, bro. Let's just get out of here." Blaine nods suspiciously and walks out of the bathroom with Andy right behind him. They head straight towards Andy's car. His hands were shaking. He thinks it's because of the game that they have to play on Friday, but in reality it's nerves. He ignores it and gets in the car as Blaine gets in the passenger seat.

They're almost to Blaine's house when Blaine's phone rings. Andy glances over at it as Blaine answers. The contact name reads "Babe ❤️". Andy tries to ignore it as Blaine talks. The sinking feeling in his gut continues as he listens to Blaine saying sweet nothings. They pull up in front of Blaine's house and he gets out, saying nothing more than "see ya, dude." Andy watches as Blaine disappears and anger boils in his veins. He quickly dashes off, wanting to be as far away from Blaine as possible.

Blaine's POV

Once he got into his house, he hung up the phone. He could only ever stand to talk to his girlfriend for so long, mostly because she typically did all the talking. As he got ready for bed, he debated on texting Andy. Blaine had tried to ignore it, but he could tell that something was off with Andy today and it was bothering him. He hadn't seen what Andy did in the bathroom early, so he wasn't entirely sure what he'd walked in on. All Blaine knew was that Andy was acting suspicious.

He got out his phone and went on TikTok. Finding Andy's account, he looked through his videos. He knew that Andy wasn't one to show his emotions, so he wasn't sure what he was expecting to find. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary, just the same old tractor videos and reposted videos that Andy had thought were funny. Blaine finally gave in and snapped  Andy.

Blaine: "What's up"

Andy: "Not much."
Andy: "Just been scrolling on TikTok."

Blaine: "Nice"

It didn't take long for Blaine to realize that this wasn't going anywhere, so he turned off his phone and threw it down on his bed. Deciding that Andy was probably just in a bad mood, he finished getting ready for bed.

Andy's POV

Andy is laying in his bed debating on why he's feeling this way. It's between hating that he is single while his best friend isn't or he is just being a stupid boy. It's a stupid feeling. Andy pulls up his snap to see if Blaine is active, but it shows he hasn't been on for a little while. Disappointed, he throws his phone next to him on the bed and struggles to fall asleep while thoughts race through his head.

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