Chapter 23

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I walked alone to the tower. It was hard staying alone for so long, being labeled a murderer—and seeing a corpse. I needed someone and that someone could not be Oda, or Aideen.

I wanted to see Oscar.

Why? I didn't know myself.

The outer door was now bolted from the outside, a change Oda likely made to stop Oscar from escaping. It only made it easier for me to go in, so I unhinged it and went up the stairs, going to what was a prison, but now my sanctuary. When I opened the door I knew it was Oscar. He sat in his bed, twirling the flute in his hand.

"Why are you here?"


"Am I not welcome?" I muttered, feeling tears prickle my eyes. No. I will not cry.

"What happened? There was a commotion last time in the forest."

"A girl—a contestant, was killed." My low voice cracked. "I found her. Tristesse. I was suspected and had to go through interrogations."

"So you're all alone." He caught the flute and turned to me.

"Oda didn't like me helping you." I leaned on the wall across from him. "Otto was lost in the forest and now the tower is bolted."

"I've learned," he said.

Why was he so calm? It bothered me, but what did I expect?

"I told you to kill before it began," he sounded distant.


He smirked a little. "They would do anything to be queen. Everything. You'd never win, even with Oda. You're too soft."

"You mean I have a conscience. Unlike you. You're awful, why can't you say what's on your mind? Why do you only watch as the story unfolds?"

"Didn't you say you'd rescue me? I'm waiting."

"I lied," I found myself saying, "I only cared for Otto, not you."

He just sat there, face obviously hurt. I was surprised when he tried to laugh it off, but he—he cried.

Oscar cried.

"Why—did you come here just to say that? I thought you would be different from the rest. I thought you would help me." He bared his teeth. "I should've known!"

He stood up before I could apologize and I knew he was leaving. My legs were wobbly.

"No, Oscar!" I cried. "I didn't mean that! I—" before anything else left my lips, he ran for the door.




Why had I hurt him again?

I gathered my skirts into my hands and chased after him once again, but this time it was my fault.

I didn't mean it. Although Oscar was fearsome and cruel, I didn't mean what I said. He was lonely—he was scared and sad all the time. He was going through such pain, and that's why he was so bitter. Guilt overwhelmed me, along with regret.

"Oscar! Please wait!" I begged, but he quickened his steps and jumped down the stairs then out, escaping deeper into the forest, which was endless. "Please!"

The wind slapped my face and my loose hair obscured my sight. I could only see flashes of green and brown, of trees and dirt, and the moving figure in white. It went down and slipped through two thick trees and I followed.

"Oscar!" I cried, my sore throat hardly allowing me to yell. He keeps moving, faster than ever. I couldn't keep up with him this time. I was losing him for good this time.

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