Chapter 28

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The next night all of us gathered in my dorm. Princess Oda, Aideen, and I. I had to go to the maids' dorm and ask everyone there for Aideen until I found her, and then asked her to bring Oda along to my room after dinner. Thankfully, both came.

"I want to apologize," I began. "To both of you." Oda looked calm and unfazed, like nothing happened yesterday, but Aideen can't meet my eyes.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you yesterday, Oda." Oda continued to look at me without batting an eye.

"I forgive you," she grandly said. She was as full of herself as usual, and I'm glad that hasn't changed. I gave her a quick smile of gratitude before I turned to Aideen.

She tensed up when she sensed me looking at her, but she still doesn't tilt up her head to look at me.

"I'm sorry for even suspecting you. It can't be you. I know it can't." I reached forward and then held Aideen's hands in mine. In surprised she finally raised her round eyes to look at me. The hurt in her eyes is undeniably real. She opened her mouth slowly,

"I love Queen Sonota, but I would never betray Oda. They are both precious to me." Her voice was soft, and quivered ever so softly. "And so are you, Karina."

Memories of the first days we spent together appeared in my mind. The blue dress at the tailor and her always sacrificing what she wanted for everyone else. She would never sacrifice one thing she treasured for another. No, she would protect both.

I hugged her, with my chin resting on her shoulder. I could feel her trembling under my arms, and I thought of how small and young she was, but already exposed to so many things. I wanted to apologize, but I don't. Instead, I thank her.

"Thank you."

We were both crying, but in that moment, I felt at peace. I knew I had friends, and people who loved me and would protect me. I wanted to forget about the deaths, murders, Oscar, Otto, the Queen, and the Dandelion System. I wanted to cry in the arms of Aideen, a replacement for Catalina.

Catalina. I had to end this. I had to return to her, and to free Oriana, Annabelle, and all of the other girls. I pulled apart from Aideen.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Blithe told me that the Queen was upset about one rule about the Dandelion System. That maids couldn't join. Did you know?" Aideen shook her head.

"No." Oda's leaned.

"She never told you? Or asked if you wanted to marry Otto?"

"No. Never. And even if the Queen pitied us for not being able to compete, she would never do something so horrible," Aideen said confidently.

"That's what I thought. I know Mother loves Aideen, but for her to marry Otto?" Oda shook her head without uncertainty. "She has never even hinted at it. This Blithe sounds suspicious."

"I don't blame Blithe," I answered. "She is only afraid too, for Annabelle and us. I've promised Annabelle and Oriana something." I looked at both of them in the eye. "I will end the Dandelion System. We will."

Aideen didn't move, but Oda's face contorted in shock. I continued.

"Will you help me?"

"End the Dandelion System?" Oda repeated, narrowing her eyes like usual. "And have everything we do be for naught?"

"Do you think we can win at this rate? The Queen has more than what we can ever get at this rate," I reminded her. My heart pounded at her expression and tone. We needed Princess Oda. Anything we do can easily be brushed away by the Royal Family, unless Oda is on our side.

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