Chapter 6

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"Princess Oda—" I whispered, squinting. Her mouth parted slightly at the hoarse sound of my voice.


"Why are you here?"

"Never mind that—Aideen, she's awake, water, quick!" she called urgently. I turned to see Aideen standing at the door of my bed.

"Yes!" She ran out of the room, carrying her skirts.

A certain warm feeling spread inside my chest, knowing after all, Princess Oda cared for me as more than just a pawn for her brother's life. I looked around and realized I was back on my room.

"After you fainted Aideen carried you back to your dorm," Oda explained. I wondered how the small girl carried me way the way here.

"I'm sorry for this morning," I said instead.

"It's fine. Here's food," she gestured to a tray that had a bowl and some bread and cheese. "You missed dinner. You'll have to do with this until tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me, Aideen got it for you." I sighed. Of course. I pulled the tray closer and started to eat. After I finished, Aideen entered the room only a moment later with a basin of water.

"You're awake! How do you feel, Lady Karina?" Aideen asked as she walked over to place the basin of water on the washstand, then dipped a cloth into the water.

"Still a bit drowsy." She wrung the cloth dry and placed a cool hand on my head.

"Oh heavens, you are burning!" She removed wisps of my loose brown hair from my face before placing the cloth on my brow. The coldness was comforting, and the world became clearer. "I'll go and fetch some more blankets."

"Thank you." She left the room, and then I turned back to Oda.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked Oda.

"A long time," she answered. "It's already night, and I had to slip out to see you." My mind slowly grasped what she said.

"Princess Oda! You must go back, the princess can't wander around at night!" I propped myself up on an elbow, the cloth on my forehead sliding off. I readjust it while continuing to beg the princess. "I'm fine now, please go back."

"Fine? You were flaming up, and muttering things in your dream!" she protested.

"Muttering things? What did I say?" I questioned, recalling Catalina again.

"I can't remember." The princess had on a stoic face. I sensed that it was a lie, but didn't feel like arguing.

"Forget it, but you must go back," I insisted again. She ignored me. "Go back," I repeated, firmer this time.

"Oh, fine!" Oda exclaimed with a loud sigh. She turned on her heels to face my window.

"Don't tell me you plan to use the—"

"We're in the dorms!" she hissed. "I'll wake all the contestants up using the halls." I looked at the door on the other side of my room.

"Princess Oda, don't, if you open the windows, cold air would chill me once again."

"Do you expect me to disappear into thin air, then?"

"Sit and let's consider another way." She pouted, sitting back down.

"I'll stay." She decided instead, eyes on me and daring me to argue. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but only a little while."

I wondered how many times I've given in to Oda; selfish and stubborn, in a way, the opposite of me, who was always afraid of seeing one cry and could easily be convinced to do something—like help a princess cheat in The Dandelion System.

When Aideen entered the room again with more blankets, she breaks the grim silence.

"Oda was worried, and held your hand the whole time." Aideen had on coy smile as she laid the blankets over me.

"I'm glad I was cared for," I answered with a smile equally smug.

"It was only because you are an essential part of my plan," Oda denied. "I wouldn't have cared for you otherwise." Aideen chuckled, and pulled another blanket over me. 

"When I was a child, Catalina did the same."


"My older sister," I explained. "She told me she was only awake due to the loud birds."

"Why, she should meet up with Princess Oda sometime!" Aideen teased.

"Yes. If only they can meet one day." Oda didn't reply.

"Do you want to change into a nightgown before you fall asleep again?" Aideen asked. I nod and leave my bed, feeling the cold air on my skin. Aideen unlaced my dress and then my corset before I took off my undergarments and pulled on a nightgown. Then she unbound my hair and brushed it for me.

"I'm not used to such treatment," I admitted, guilty at having a younger girl take care of me.

"What treatment?" Oda asked.

"Being pampered." She raised an eyebrow. She probably didn't think anything of it, having been born and lived with a silver spoon in her mouth.

"It's fine, Lady Karina, think of me as a friend helping you." She finished brushing my hair and helped me back into my bed.

"If so, can you promise to not call me Lady Karina. I would like you to call me by my name."

"That would be my honor. Thank you," she said, and looked, for a moment, like Catalina, before tucking me into bed.

I smiled faintly, and feeling tired, closed my eyes. 


I must have fell asleep again because when I finally woke up, that was all I remember. The sky outside was cloudy, despite it being morning.

"Are you awake, Karina?"

Aideen brought another fresh basin of water to my room.

"Yes. Good morning, Aideen."

"Good morning. Do you feel well enough to get up for breakfast?"

"Yes, please do not worry, I feel perfectly fine today."

"Only if you're sure," she replied. After I washed myself Aideen combed my hair and pulled another dress from my trunk to wear.

"Come back when I wait for you today, I wouldn't have you to faint," Aideen ordered. I nodded and headed to breakfast.

I told both Annabelle and Oriana I had prior plans and the two nodded, deciding to do something without me, and I watched them bond, smiling as though I was a proud sister.

After breakfast Aideen was indeed waiting. I was giddy as I met with her.

"What did you wish to do today?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" she says with a frown. "Rest, of course. You were sick just yesterday."

"But that's boring. I want to explore the castle grounds more."

"Well," she said slowly, "there were orders that contestants shall go to get court dresses tailored if they need any, as well as any other orders.

"Then let's go."

"But the Royal Tailor works in the Worker's Castle, which is far from the main one. Are you sure you feel fine enough to go outside, though?"

"Yes, I'll wear a cloak to be safe."

"Yes, then. Let's get ready."

Despite it being sunny the other day, today it was dark and windy. My pinned up hair loosened to the point stray strands brush my cheeks.

The sky rumbled, and Aideen started to run, or tried to run, carrying her heavy skirt. A little droplet of cool water landed on my scalp, and I ran after Aideen, now seeing a smaller castle closeby.

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