Chapter 32

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Town was just as I remembered, despite the chaos in the palace. There were people bustling around, haggling prices, weighing vegetables in their hand, sniffing fruits, and inspecting all sorts of good. Musicians sit at corners playing their instruments and holding out their caps, and children ran around the market laughing while their parents shopped.

"Wow," Otto breathed, captivated at the scene. "Is this Taraxac?"

"Yes," I replied, "the kingdom you are prince of."

"But it's so different from the castle!" His eyes traveled around and his head turned in awe. "They are laughing and so loud, and the music—the people!"

I nodded.

"The world isn't limited to the castle. It's much bigger than that. This is the middle class town where I come from. I grew up like this." His eyes widened.

"You mean you live here?"

"Yes, but not exactly. I don't live here but I come here often."

"Does everyone live like you?"

"No. Remember the twenty contestants for the Dandelion System? They come from four classes, the Noble Class, the Upper Class, the Middle Class, and the Lower Class. It's a form of division based on one's status and lifestyle."

"I see. Is it a good system?" I hesitated.

"It is."

"Mother and Father were good rulers. So are Mother and Father good people?"

There was something sad in his voice. Something I didn't know how to reply to.

"They—" I thought of how to respond, "they are good rulers, but they aren't good parents. I don't know how to explain it."

"Then what about Oda?"

"She's a good sister."

"Then Oscar? Is he a good brother?"

I thought of Oda telling me how Oscar used to bully Otto. How scared Otto was of him. How he always refused to acknowledge him, even now.

"I can't answer for you, Otto."

"Then Karina, can I ask you of something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can I meet your sister?" I thought of Catalina this morning, then smiled.

"Sure. But let's get something to eat first." He grinned.


We walked around and Otto tried almost everything, from dried meat on sticks to roasted potato skins with paprika, as well as a bit of ale. Then we scrolled around eating fresh fruits while viewing the merchants' stalls. They had colorful rugs woven overseas, pearls like the ones Oda always wore, handmade masks, and lots of trinkets he had never seen before.

"I've never had so much fun," he said, his usually pale cheeks flushed and eyes bright. "If only they were here too."

"They?" I asked.

"Yeah, Oda and Os—" he stopped. "Oda. If only she could be here too."

I pretended I didn't hear the second name he mentioned. How did Oscar feel, hearing that? Was he also seeing and hearing everything from inside of Otto?

After we reached the core of the apple and all that remained were peach pits and empty sticks, we returned to the carriage and asked the driver to bring us to my house. During the ride I showed Otto the places I grew up in.

"That is the meadow where my sister and I used to play in. That is the seamstress we go to. This street has a lot of bakers. That's our favorite bakery. My sister used to teach here, at this small schoolhouse, before she became blind. She plays the harp and sings now, and children come to our house." I thought of all the good times before I was chosen by Oda. Those carefree days I didn't have to wear beautiful gowns and sit in a dining room eating with other girls like dolls. Then I remembered it was all done. I continued to speak.

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