Chapter 35 Final

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It was the day of the departure. The sun was out, the skies blue, cloudless, and it was fully spring.

"This is it," Oda said, a faint smile on her lips, "The end of The Dandelion System."

The end. It's funny now, when I think about the first night we met. Oriana spilling pudding on my gown and then apologizing countless times, Oda bringing me upstairs to change my dress and instead threatening me before begging me to help her with the Dandelion System. At that time I had thought she was spoiled and rude—oh, that's wrong: I still think that.

A smile must've tugged at my lips because Oda frowned.

"What are you thinking of?" she inquired, just like that day. Would it really be fine for Taraxac to have such an arrogant Queen?

"Nothing," I replied, but she only became more curious. "Just how different The Dandelion System is from what I thought it'd be, along with the contestants and Royal family."

"Better or worse?"

"Worse, of course. I didn't know the Princess was so demanding."

"Well, we won, didn't we?"

"Well, I didn't exactly expect I had to leave Taraxac with the Prince." Her scarlet lips curved upward into a full smile.

"Well," she imitated me imitating her, "this is even better." We both chuckled, although I felt a pang of pain in my chest.

I'm leaving, the moment is finally here. I'm leaving the Dandelion System, Taraxac, and everyone.

"I should be going." I turned to look at the plain carriage near the path leading into the woods. "Of course Otto is asleep when we say our touching farewells."

"It's better this way," she acknowledged, sighing. "I can't deal with his crying and begging for me not to leave him."

"I know what you mean," I agreed, thinking of the night Otto begged me to stay and I met Oscar for the first time.


"What are you thinking of?" Oda asked, and I gave her a small smile.


There's silence besides the soft rustling of the wind, and we both stood motionless, thinking of him. I thought of the first time we kissed and the fear and horror I felt. I thought of the night he gave me the couch to sleep on and told me about his past. I thought of our last hug, wordless but understanding. I thought of his lonely figure, his want for acceptance, him thanking me for listening to him and accepting him. I thought of his love for me and my love for him.

He wasn't a monster at all.

I looked at Oda, whose expressionless face is still intact, but her lips were slightly parted and the muscles in her jaw are a bit more relaxed. I wondered if she's forgiven him—if she also thinks of him like I do.

"I'll be going," I said again. She nodded curtly.

I continued to stand there, however, and we both looked into each other's eyes without any motion of leaving. Today was probably the only day I would ever get along with her. Her pale eyes seemed to tell me something but I can't hear it because the carriage driver called out for me.

"I'm sorry—l'll be right there!" I looked at Oda again and she sent me off with a small smile.

Wait, I want to say, wait, I didn't hear what you wanted to say. Like always, she doesn't hear me neither. She took a step back before she pointed her chin at the carriage, gesturing for me to go.

I walked slowly to the carriage, afraid that if I look into her blue eyes for even a moment more, I'd be so enchanted I couldn't tear myself away.

The carriage driver opened the door and I hoisted myself into it to see him sleeping against the wall of the carriage. Oscar—no, Otto. His face was relaxed, showing the world how blissful and pacifying of a sleep he is having. I seated myself next to him and pushed his white, feathery hair out of his face as the door closed.

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