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Neo gaze around the room, nervously biting the inside of his cheek.  Someone sat beside him on the couch."So, this is where you live, huh?"


"You live alone, Phi Force?"  Neo asks.

"Yes," Force crosses over to the small bar and ducks behind it, grabbing a couple of glasses that he fills from a small sink.  He hands one to Neo, then sits down at a table close to Neo.  Neo takes a long sip.

"You okay? You look so nervous Nong," Force asks.

"I don't know Phi,"Neo say weakly," How about Phi?"

"Same."  Force shakes his head, then drains half his water in one gulp.

"I know," Neo wipe a hand cross Force mouth.
Force's expression shifts.  It's still tense, but more focused.

"Nong," he says, "who's that boy?"

"Hah?"  Neo drink water, stalling for time.

"The one who lives in the red forest," Force tone sharpens when Neo's glass is half empty and he's still chugging away, studying avoiding force gaze."Is he the one who help you last time?"

"Yeah."  The word slips out before Neo can stop it." But, phi ohm has a boyfriend now,"

"So why he has been there that day, I saw you and him talk nicely, are you still have feelings for ohm?" Force asks.

" I know that's not enough to stop further questions that I can't answer yet, Maybe whatever happened back there made,"

"Shhh," Force put his finger on neo lips.

"Shit. Do you think_" Neo's eyes widened.

"Let's go. No time to explain,"

Force grab neo hand then run to the upstairs.


Ohm Up to the second floor, he immediately entered Nanon's room without knocking on the door.
Nanon who saw Ohm enter immediately pulled the blanket to cover his face.
Ohm sat on the edge of the bed, he stared sadly at the painting of the two wolves.  The eyes seem ready to pounce on their prey back to normal.

"This painting of two wolves is my father's work. He is not a professional painter but my father likes to paint. He said that my eyes and Perth's are similar to a werewolf. The difference is that Perth has emerald green eyes and I am Hazel. When my father painted this, I was ten years old. Who would have thought  This painting came true after I celebrated my 17th birthday? You know that my family isn't pure WEREWOLF.   I experienced strange things after I was 17. I started  I like bones more than meat, over time I eat raw meat, raw bones. I eat all my father's pets. He likes rabbits and cats. My family isolates me and I don't even know why I am like that," Ohm stopped talking.  He took a deep breath, the corners of his eyes brimming with tears.

"My father said that a Professor accidentally spilled werewolf liquid into my drink for his experiment.
He wanted to research whether WEREWOLF and human blood could fuse.  Can humans control their emotions when the WEREWOLF's blood enters their bodies, but they forgot to make a liquid that can bring me back to normal as usual?  Perth became like me because I accidentally bit it, I regret it until now. " Ohm touched the blanket covering nanon.

"I'm afraid one day I'll hurt you, I'm afraid you'll get hurt or worse die because of me. Sorry for yelling at you earlier, I'm afraid someone will do something bad and take advantage of you," said Ohm, his voice shaking from holding back tears.  Nanon opened the blanket and hugged ohm.

  Nanon opened the blanket and hugged ohm

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More complicated,right?😭💚❤️

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