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Chimon, Perth, and Sea immediately ran when they heard a car stop outside. Their guess was not wrong, Jimmy's car had just entered and was parked in front of nanon's house.

"How are they, Phi?" Sea asked as Jimmy got out of the car.

"Are they safe?" added Chimon.

"Phi, we better go inside," Perth said.

Perth looks the calmest among them.

"They can't be saved." Jimmy said, he massaged his temples.

Sea tapped Jimmy on the shoulder. "It's not your fault, phi. Don't make a face like this, you make me worry,"

A loud sound was heard from the second floor, they all stood up and ran up the stairs but suddenly Perth fell and rolled over holding his head. He looks in pain.

"Nong!" Jimmy went back downstairs .

"Perth!" Chimon shouted hysterically.

"Tonight is Eclipse. The determination of whether the medicine I created for ohm and Perth , worked or maybe they were destined to become werewolves. Chimon watch over Perth, he's not so dangerous when he turns into a werewolf, different from ohm. Nanon is in danger," Jimmy panicked. He ran as fast as he could up the stairs to the second floor.

Jimmy was right, ohm Pawat had broken into a brick all the things on the second floor. Nanon was next to ohm , standing in the corner of the room.

"Doc, come out. I can handle this, trust me," he ordered.

"Nanon, this is dangerous. We don't know if ohm can come back to his senses as a human or maybe he will forever be a werewolf" Jimmy replied.

"He will not hurt me, leave us alone. I beg you," pleaded Nanon. His voice sounded normal even though his face looked panicked.

"Ok. Take good care of yourself," Jimmy ordered before leaving.

Ohm groaned in pain. His eyes stared blankly at Nanon. Slowly nanon approached. He didn't look scared to see ohms change. Nanon actually looks sad because Ohm is in pain.

"Ohm, it's me Nanon. Be aware, don't let the monsters in your body control you," said Nanon.

Ohm pushed nanon until nanon bounced against the room wall.
Nanon didn't give up, he got up and went back to ohm.

"Are you satisfied hurting me? You looked really worried about Neo. Did you have feelings for Neo before I came?"

Ohm pushed back nanon and bounced again.

Nanon coughed up fresh blood. The rancid smell of blood made ohm even more savage.
Nanon just wanted to get up but ohm moved faster. He cradled nanon 's body and gripped his neck tightly .

"Ohm, when you realize I'm dead. I hope I'm the last person to die by your hands. I love you more than I thought, you know, how I worried about you while we were apart. I kept thinking about how you were doing at RedGreen , have you eaten? What are you doing? Where? With who? Is my ohm happy or maybe he is sick? Who is taking care of him. I love you asshole. I won't hate you even if you hurt me like this. I know it's not you, (cough-cough ) Nanon vomited blood again. Tears mixed with blood rolled down his cheeks.

Nanon was almost out of breath and strength as the ohm pressed harder against his neck. But, suddenly Ohm hugged him. His body was back to normal. He turned into a normal human.

"Ohm, are you all right?" asked Nanon panicked.

Ohm did not respond.

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