💚Our Promise ❤️

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Nanon tightly gripped Ohm's hand since half an hour ago.

"Non, I promise to see you again as soon as possible if Jimmy lets me out of RedGreen," said ohm, he gently caressed nanon's face.

"Jimmy said, until our next Eclipse. THAT'S so long ohm, you want to see me endure the pain of missing you too much," Nanon whined.

"Phi, you said you wanted phi ohm to be 100% human but you didn't allow phi ohm to undergo therapy. Then just leave things like this, phi Jimmy doesn't have to bother doing experiments so that I don't get noticed anymore," said Sea. He pulled Jimmy into his house.

"Ai hia sea. Did you forget who you were talking to? I'm your brother, how dare you yell at me, you don't defend me either," Nanon hit Ohm's chest repeatedly.

"Nanon, listen to me carefully. What your sister said is true, if you don't want me to undergo therapy and medication to return to being human. We should catch up with them, the weather is getting colder," Ohm said firmly.

Nanon hugged him tightly, "Take care of yourself, I will miss you very much. Ohm, come back soon na," Nanon whispered.

Ohm gently stroked Nanon's head in response.

Ohm gently stroked Nanon's head in response

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Six months passed so quickly, nanon was excited because he got news from Jimmy that Ohm was back to being 100% human. WEREWOLF's blood was no longer flowing in his body.

"Anyway, I don't want to be interviewed. If you want, please interview Perth, I'm busy taking care of Phi nanon who will soon be launching his new novel," Sea scolded Phi Aof for the umpteenth time. Since returning from RedGreen, he no longer wants to enter the entertainment. He chooses to be Jimmy's assistant professor. Besides being able to always be with Jimmy, he can also keep an eye on Nanon. Sea is afraid of losing Nanon again like the time at RedGreen.

"Why?" asked Nanon

"Phi Aof wants to do a special interview with me," Sea replied sulkily.

"Oh, then?"

"Phi, I don't want to enter the entertainment anymore."

"Don't you miss acting with Perth and your friends?"

"Phi nanon. I love you, that's my reason." Sea said firmly.

"I have ohm. Don't worry na," replied Nanon, patting sea's shoulder.

Sea just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He really didn't want to be in the entertainment . It's exhausting pretending to be a happy person all the time. It's exhausting.

"Sea, it's your choice. But, please just once follow phi Aof as a form of revenge for helping phi when plagiarism was spreading at that time," asked Nanon.

Sea thought for a moment before finally nodding. "Khab. I'll call phi Aof after phi ohm reaches town, but if phi ohm doesn't come. Then..."

"Then phi will come to RedGreen," Nanon cut in.

Sea took a deep breath. Ohm had made his brother lose his mind. The introvert now dares to take risks for the sake of his man.

"Call Jimmy, ask him when ohm gets to town. They must be on their way," Nanon shook Sea's hand like a child whining to his father.

"Don't be like this. It's disgusting. Hold on to your homesickness. He will definitely come, I want to sleep first. Don't leave the house before phi Jimmy arrives, okay," said Sea before going up to the second floor to his room.

Nanon threw his body on the sofa. He actually wanted to come out but was restrained because ohm also ordered him not to come out.


Nanon sat in the car in the parking lot under the building he was going to attend for the launch of his new novel.

His phone dings, startling nanon, and nanon look down. A message from ohm.

Delayed coming due traffic, and maybe arrive at mid night. WHERE ARE YOU? I tell you to stay at home. 😏😠😠😠😤😤😤😠😠😠😠😠

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