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"Are you sure Force kept it?"  asked Chimon.  He scanned the entire room, "Perth, are you sure he's gone?"

"I don't know, we'll just find the cure. Phi Ohm is at home, my house is a mess, it seems they are looking for something," Perth replied.  His eyes stared at the second floor.

"Perth should we get out of here? I'm afraid they will attack us," Chimon who realized that Perth saw something upstairs immediately took action.

Perth didn't seem to hear Chimon's words, he ran to the second floor and then kicked one by one the four rooms upstairs.  Everything is empty.  The gnashing of teeth and fists represented Perth's fury.  He was just coming down the stairs when someone kicked him from behind causing him to fall to the ground floor.

"Perth!"  Chimon screamed hysterically.

"Force! Neo! You bastard! How dare you hurt Perth!"  Chimon ran upstairs after helping Perth get up.

Force grimaced as he saw chimon run to upstairs.

"A human like you wants to fight me? Do you want to die?"  Force attacks the chimon until the chimon rolls over.  Fresh blood dripped from the corner of his lips.

Force, and Neo took advantage of this situation, they immediately fled jumping from the second floor to the entrance behind the Force house.  Perth who saw the force running away could only punch the floor because Chimon was injured.  He couldn't possibly leave Chimon alone.


"Hey, Force," Ohm said just as Force and Neo hit the ground.

Force is surprised to see Ohm in the back garden.  Ohm takes a swing at force.  Force tries to fight back, but there's no point.  Ohm a lot bigger than him.  Ohm ducks all of his bad punches and throws him flat on his back, straddling him and pinning his hands until all he can do is struggle helplessly like a trapped bug.  "How did you know my home?"  Asks force

Ohm didn't, for sure, until Perth sent him the location.

"Don't waste your time with me," Force says.

"What do you mean?"  Ohm asks.

Force just grinning, when he doesn't answer, ohm lifts him briefly off the ground and then slam him back down, hard enough that we can hear his teeth rattle.

Force lets out a groan," He will kill Nanon,"

"Who? Tell me or I will kill you if you don't," Ohm threatens.

"No you won't," force says.

Ohm and force stare at each other for a couple of beats.  Ohm grabs hold of the front of the force shirt and springs off him, hauling him to his feet so that ohm can start dragging him towards the pond.

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