Chapter 2

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Meanwhile, after our conversation ended, I went to my room to change get ready. It was 4 pm and Jannat would be here anytime soon. I was sitting on the couch, scrolling through my phone while waiting for her.
POV ends.

Abhishek comes and sits down on the sofa while sipping on some beer. Avneet looked at him and smiled, they were talking about their lives. Family and stuff, and since the discussion was about family, Avneet couldn't resist this curiousity. “Abhishek Dada, I'll just ask you one question. Don't mind.. What's up with Siddharth being so silent, I mean with me during the drive from the airport to this mansion, it was understandable because we are complete strangers. So he didn't bother talking. But I noticed he doesn't even talk with you guys much. You're his family and he's always so silent around you people. Why is it so?” Abhishek seemed to be a bit worried and Avneet noticed it. She immediately told it was okay if he did not want to share. “Well, I can't share because Siddharth will be really annoyed at this. He doesn't like sharing his personal life and past with anyone whom he doesn't feel a connection with. But I'll just tell you a brief reason. It's been really hard for him and he's just gotten quiter with time passing by.” Abhishek said in a low tone and Avneet nodded, mouthing an okay.

“Ok, let this topic be. What about your plans with Jannat? You both gonna have fun today, yeah?” he told trying to light the mood up. “Oh yeah! We're going for a movie, then lots of shopping and then dinner at a restaurant. It will be super fun. I am excited” basically Avneet squealed with excitement, making Abhishek chuckle at the behavior. He showed her a thumbs up and went back to his room, just to cuddle with Vaishnavi. Avneet went back to waiting for her friend. Jannat reached in a few minutes, and their reactions were worth looking at. “Good Lord! You've grown so much, so many changes. Can't believe we are finally meeting after years, Avu I missed youuu!!” Jannat screeched, embracing Avneet into a bone crushing hug. They were both grinning ear-to-ear.

“Seeing each other after so long! You even got yourself a boyfriend. Poor Faisu.. He doesn't know what he'll be dealing with” Avneet teased her bestie, fake crying as if she really was sorry for Faisu. Seeing Jannat's reaction just made her laugh her heart out! Because, what could be better than annoying your friend and getting the exact reaction you expected from them?
He was sweating profusely, finding it difficult to breath, he seemed to be in a state of panic, but he was asleep. His hands went up to his head, pulling on his hair and he jolted up, wide awake. He was feeling scared, as tears started rolling down his cheeks. It was the nightmare... The same thing every single day. It was exhausting for Siddharth to deal with the same thing whenever he tries to sleep. The same nightmare, the same panic attacks, the same tantrums and the worst... Going through the same amount of pain every day. He felt helpless and tired, but his condition was so bad, that he had given up long ago. He knew there was no way out of this hellhole, that no therapist could help him get out of this. As of now, he was sitting on his bed, tears still strolling down, beads of sweat covered his forehead, and he stared into blank space. As if he could not recognise anything around him. After a few moments of sitting idly in the same position, he immediately got up, and dashed to his mother's room.

Hastily opening the door to her room, he saw his mom sitting on her bed, her concentration on a novel. He went to her and...

A/N:I know this is a really short chapter and I am leaving it so abruptly, but I couldn't complete becoz of some work. But next chapter will be good:)) also what do you think of this? And what about sid's condition?

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