Chapter 5

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“Just leave this shit. And.... You will NEVER get to know me. You're not supposed to. So just give up trying, okay?” “Why- What the-”
I just don't want to listen to her. Why does she even have to be friends with me? It's none of her business, why does she give a fuck? I walk out of there and towards my bedroom. I seriously don't like interacting with people unless I have work to do with them. Avneet is nothing more than a guest to me, and it should be like that. And I just- I don't like the fact that I always end up having conversation with her. I was never like this. Since the last few years, I used to wonderfully ignore anyone whom I had nothing to do with. But I just cannot ignore her. I look at her, I think of her even when she's not around. Of course not all the time, but sometimes. She somehow always finds a way into my head and I hate it.
God, my work! I really need to focus on finishing off this work right now. No more Avneet! No more thinking about her.

Wow- he just walked out on me almost half an hour ago now. And I am still on the couch, but now with my iPad, trying to make a few good designs on it. Designing, or as you can say, illustrating, it calms me down. Brings me back to my senses. I wonder though, why he said that I can never get to know him. What makes him say those things? Why do I even care goddamnit!
Author:Heyyy guysssss! Short chapter I know😭but it's going to be better!

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