Chapter 10

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I payed for the stuff I had bought. But my mind was fixed on Siddharth's words. He said he'll take me to his favourite place. Does he consider me close enough to take me to his favourite place? Do I hold that value for him? What could be his favourite place though? The first thought coming into my mind was of a strip club. I mean he looks like the kind of guy who would go to strip clubs and hook up with random women. But whatever it is, I want to know about it so bad. As I step out of the Victoria's Secret shop in the mall, I see him leaning against a wall, waiting for me. I catch up to him. “Yeah, I am done. To your favourite place now?” “Yes. I don't know, you might not like it. But I'll still take you. Come with me” he exclaims as he starts walking towards the elevator. We go down to the basement, basically to the parking lot. His favourite place is not in this mall? “Your favourite place is outside the mall? We haven't informed anyone. Shouldn't we tell them we'll be out?” “I have told them I got some important business and they just know you're with me.” I sit on the passenger seat as he makes his way to the driver's seat. We drive away. My heart is racing. Because it's me and him and nothing and no one else. I am spending time with him; something I thought won't happen for long. Though I still know Siddharth is not the guy who would give in to anyone easily. We are still in the car and quite a bit away from the crowded city by now. His favourite place isn't in the city either. It's on the outskirts. Expected from someone like him. He likes lonely and calm places.

Maybe because it gives him peace from his lifestyle. He keeps driving, while I look out of the window, at the dark night. The dark night sky lighted up with stars, I love this view so much. They look like small diamonds twinkling in the sky. The car stops abruptly and I immediately take my eyes off the night sky, and look at Siddharth. I stare at the seemingly endlessly long and dark road. Facing towards the windows of the car, I see a graveyard stretching on a large part of land. Why would his favourite place be a fucking graveyard? “Wow! Unique. Are you planning on burying me somewhere around, Siddharth?”

He laughs at my humor and shakes his head in a no, while pointing at the door, asking me to step outside. As we both get outside and lean onto the car, staring at the graveyard in silence, he takes in a deep breath before beginning to speak. “This is my favourite place, because...” he gulps while looking at me. Something in his eyes are so peculiar. Like he's trying to communicate but something holds him back, something that doesn't let him speak physically, so he tries to express it through his eyes. It's difficult to comprehend such a man, so full of mysteries. He starts speaking again while my ears listen to him closely, while I try comprehending why he is what he is now. “Can I trust you Avneet? I have trusted you enough to bring you to a place where I usually come to release my stress. It's weird, I know. Why would anyone come to a grave to release stress? I do though. But tell me if I can trust you Avneet... I want to tell you so much, so much about what I think of you.. But every time I think I'll talk to you... It's.. it's just I am never able to gather up  the courage” 

“You can tell me whatever you want, Siddharth. You can trust me, I will listen to you. I'm willing to listen to you, to feel your emotions, to feel your point of view. I want to know the real you, Siddharth. Because one thing I have figured out, in the short amount of time that I've known you – is that whatever and however you behave – It isn't real. I have seen it in your eyes.. Don't get me wrong, you hide your emotions very well.  So much, someone would think that you're genuinely happy and normal. But, eyes don't lie, one just should know how to read them.” 

“I come to this place because it gives me a sense of relaxation. You know, when I realise that how I sometimes wish I would have been in this grave, away from the world and its tortures. But then seeing that I have come this far, it makes me believe in myself. It makes me realise the strength that is needed to overcome traumas that deeply scar you for a lifetime. This place reminds me that I have that strength within me, and that I must not kill myself or I'll let down my own potential, my own soul and my own beliefs. This place reminds me that once you actually are dead, and in a grave, you won't get another chance to live and mend the mistakes you made or relive the moments you missed.”

He finished speaking and for once, I felt like he's alot deeper than I thought of him to be. His words held meanings that are difficult to comprehend, his eyes held emotions that humans find difficult to express. I felt like I must know this guy at any cost, I felt the need  to know him, to understand him, to know the reasons behind his words. But I knew at this very moment, that if I must know him better than any one ever had, it's going to be a difficult journey. Siddharth, he ain't a guy who gives in to anyone easily. And after what he just said, I think I quite understand why he doesn't let people see through his mind.. It's because people in general find it hard to understand such deep topics, some don't even have the mental strength to bear to listen to such things. Looking in-depth of anything is a hard process that only a few are capable of. “Do you find me worthy enough to share such deep talks with me?” I question him as he looks at me and smile at what I said.

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