Chapter 4

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It's been days since I have been living in this mansion. A week to be specific. I was searching for some rented bungalows in Mumbai close to this mansion, so I could visit here often. I have bonded so amazingly well with Siddharth's family and Jannat and Faisu are often hanging out there too. So I have selected a few bungalows, there's one which is really close and it seems good. I visited it today, it was nice. I'll shift there within the next few weeks probably. Then I will finally give a start to my career here in India and establish myself in this huge film industry. Films, acting, being in front of the camera has always been a very interesting and important part of my life. And getting to establish myself in this industry is something I always dreamt of.. Now getting back to where we started, that is Siddharth's mansion... I have tried to talk to him so many times. But he never talks back, he never interacts. He never gives a damn about what I try to say.

I don't understand why I am making efforts to know him, I'll be moving out in a few weeks anyways. But something inside me craves to know him. He's a mystery, even his eyes... His eyes are a mystery. A deep, deeper than the oceans mystery. They're so dark sometimes, it seems unreal. Now I don't know about his personality, but I am damn sure many girls must have fallen for his gorgeous eyes. I notice him so much these days, I don't want to. I want to ignore him and his existence.. But I can't. I wonder what in him is so enchanting and interesting that whatever I do Or think, I end up thinking about Siddharth. To me he's a puzzle and I need to solve it, or it hurts if I don't try to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Right now I am on the couch of his living area, staring away into the ceiling, thinking of him, while he comes and sits right in front of me. Shirtless. He was sitting in front of me shirtless. His eyes are so focused on his laptop, he probably doesn't notice me staring at his abs. Wait! I am not supposed to stare at him.. Shit.

"Are you done looking at my body or do you need some more time?" fuck he noticed me. "I-I wasn't looking at you." "Whatever"
Whatever? He's so confusing. Although I don't really like his attitude, I still want to start a conversation with him.. Maybe I should
"What are you so focused on?" "Work." "Why don't you talk at all? Even with your family.. You're so silent" "Why should that bother you?"
"I mean I try to hold conversations with you and you don't reply half the time. You're talking to me now, that's quite surprising... ”  “Why do you always try speaking to me? I am rude, I don't answer your questions, I don't talk, I don't have any manners.. So you shouldn't bother talking with me right?”
“I don't know.. I wanna know you, be friends with you, I want to know about your life. About who you are. And why you're so arrogant” “I, I have never in my life heard someone call me arrogant. Are you serious, Av- what the fuck is your name again?” 
“Avneet. It's not that difficult, it's an easy name come'on! And Lord you are good at debating! You fight like this with everyone? And yes you're arrogant. No one just had the guts yet to say it out loud” I can't believe what the hell I just said. I am arguing with the guy who doesn't talk at all. I swear I won't be least bit surprised if he abruptly stops talking now. Rude asshole. He even forgot my name. How can someone not remember my name? It's easy and it's beautiful

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