Chapter 12

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It's Wednesday today. We leave tomorrow for France. So today I'll just make sure that I don't have any appointments for the next one week. It's 1:30 pm now, I'm driving to my office. I will just give some brief last minute instructions to the department heads on what to do for the next one week and clear all leave applications and reply to a few emails that have been in my inbox for a while now. Jannat had called me for lunch at a nearby restaurant at 3 pm, so I'll be going there too. Honestly speaking, I'm kind of excited for this trip. Not because we're going to France, but because Siddharth will be there too.

Anyways, I reach my office and go straight to the elevator, pressing on the button for the 13th floor. That's where my cabin is. I walk out of the elevator as soon as it stops on my floor and everybody greets me good morning, as I greet them back. “Ma'am, there's a bouquet of flowers and a gift box someone sent for you in your cabin.” “Who sent it?” “I don't know ma'am, the guy who delivered it said that it's strictly to be opened by you only”  “Fine.” Who could've sent it? Had it been for a business proposal, then why would the person not give the company name and address? So it's not for business. I go to my cabin and see a bouquet of my favourite flowers kept on my table and a gift box with a floral design on it. I open the gift box... to find a box of chocolates and a small note in it. I take out the note and read it,

“Dear Avneet,
This gift is from your newfound interest. You must have noticed by now, that the flowers and the chocolates are your favourite ones. Hope you enjoy them!

~Yours Truly~”

My newfound interest? My newfound interest.... SIDDHARTH? FUCK! OF COURSE! Who else could it be.. I'm so dumb! He's my newfound interest and only he knows my favourite flowers and chocolates. I blushed a light shade of pink as I figured out these were given by him, he's... putting efforts.. I smile a little at the imagination of him doing such things out of the blue.
I keep the note back inside the box, and cover it with its lid. I keep them in my other room, which is connected to my cabin. I still have time before going for the lunch so I open my laptop and start replying to emails.

*Time lag- 2:30 pm*
As soon as I'm done with the emails and clearing all leave applications, I shut my laptop and start packing my stuff. It's almost time for the lunch, the restaurant is pretty close to my office. I pack all my stuff and take the bouquet and gift along with me. I keep everything at the backseat of my Range Rover and sit at the driver seat myself, as I check the location Jannat had sent me on WhatsApp.

I reached the restaurant in like 20 minutes, since the road wasn't as crowded. I entered while texting Jannat, asking her where she was sitting.
Near the window at the corner to my left, I looked that way and saw her sitting there waving at me. I smiled and waved back at her, as I went and joined her.

Avneet:Hey! What's up? When did you reach?
Jannat:Just a few minutes ago. I haven't ordered yet though.

While I was chatting with her, I noticed a man's wallet kept on the other side of the table. “Faizu also joined us?” I asked her. “That's not Faizu's wallet, Avneet. It's Siddharth's.”
“He's here? He joined us? Why didn't you tell me yaar!” “Cuz it's a surprise, duh”
I sighed after hearing her reply, I really didn't expect him to be here. We started ordering as Jannat also told me that he was using the restroom. He came after like 15 minutes. “You were taking a leak for so long?”
“I was taking a puff, why?” answered Siddharth as he emerged from behind me and took the seat beside me. “Nothing, we just ordered” Jannat told him. We were talking about the trip and the waiter came after some time with all the food. “One whiskey as well.” I told him and he nodded and went away to fetch it.

*Time lag- after the lunch*
We had our food and talked for some more time. Siddharth went back to his place and I dropped Jannat while on my way back home, since her villa was pretty close to mine. We had yet to do the last minute packing and checking our passports and other stuff to make sure there wasn't any hurry tomorrow. The flight was tomorrow at 10am, so I decided to sleep early today instead of being up late at night and reading, like I usually do.
Author:How was this? They're leaving for the vacay soon!

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