3: Kidnapped or Enslaved?

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Agana knew she was in trouble.

Two vampires stared at her as she woke up, the fading red of their eyes showing their hunger.

"Oh great. Just how I wanted to start my mostly self-imposed exile." She moved to stretch, glancing over as one of them hissed. "Chill out. I can't harm you."

"Be silent, food."

"Wow. Great threat." I sat up. "Well, get on with your monologue. I've got stuff to do, preferably after I confuse you."

"We know your power."

I shrugged. "Who doesn't at this point. Once the kings discovered my existence, everyone knew." I looked at the vampire on the left. "You have amazing control."

"Thank you?" The one I spoke to glanced at the other. "I thought humans were supposed to be scared at this point."

"I fluffing lived in a house full of vampires. For two years. You think some lazy nomads are gonna scare me? Especially ones that don't know how to properly restrain someone?" I raised my wrists. "You really need to work on your knots."

"It doesn't matter! You couldn't escape from us anyway." The grumpy one flashed to right in front of me. "I am excited to see how this works. The king will want you back, I presume."

I scoffed, glaring up at my kidnapper. "Caius? He won't. He's the one who had me chucked, almost literally, from the castle."

"I wasn't talking about your mate. Aro. Your gift is too important to him."

"And how do you think you're going to threaten him? There's two of you and your companion isn't the brightest bulb in the box."

The vampire smacked his hand across my face. "Be still, girl. Know when you are beaten."

I coughed, blood from my split lip trickling down my chin. "I hate you and what you are. I'm not scared, and nothing you do will make me your weapon."

His eyes darkened as the scent of my blood permeated the space. "I'll make sure you remember what you said when you wake up." He slammed me down on the floor, pulling my head back to give him access to my throat. "Welcome to the club." He bit into my skin, venom pumping into my veins.

I felt the fire of the transformation start. The vampire stood, blood dripping from his mouth, and he watched as I writhed on the floor.

"I hate you." I closed my eyes and died.

Across the world, a certain blonde haired vampire clutched his chest in pain.

"Caius?" Aro motioned for the guards to take away the prisoner they had been interrogating.

Marcus stepped forward. "His mate bond is shaking." He turned to the guards. "Call the Cullens, now. Find out where she is and what she's doing."

One nodded and started dialing on a phone.

Marcus turned to his brother. "What are you feeling?" Caius groaned as another bolt of pain hit him.

Aro frowned and placed his hand on Caius's. He quickly flinched away. "Marcus, something is wrong. That is no mating pull."

Caius fell to the ground, Aro springing forward. "Caius!"

Caius looked up at Marcus. "I can't feel anything from her. The bond?"

Marcus shook his head. "It's gone."

Aro turned to him. "She rejected him?"

"No." Marcus watched Caius, who was now curled up on the floor. "She's dead."

The guard stepped forward. "The Cullens said they found her car. There was not much left after it burned."

Marcus nodded. "Thank you. Tell them we'll be in touch later."

"Of course, master."

Aro looked between Marcus and Caius. "What will we do with him now?"

"Help him as best we can. There's nothing that can ease this pain."

Carlisle Cullen looked at the charred vehicle. The harsh smell of smoke wafted into his senses and he sighed. His wife and children stood around him, all looking at the desolation.

"We'll have to plan the funeral. I don't want the state to handle it." Rose looked at him, venom tears in her eyes. "She deserves better."

He nodded. The sound of Reneesme's sobs was vaguely muffled by Jacob's shirt, but they still reached his ears.

What could have they done to prevent this? Carlisle sighed. "Call the morgue. We need her body as soon as possible."

Points to anyone who gets the title reference. ;)

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