11: One Side Completed

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As Caius walked towards the house, he heard the sound of stone tearing and a yell from one of the male inhabitants. An arm came flying towards him, narrowly missing his face. Sighing, he snatched it out of the air and continued around the side of the house.

"I believe this belongs to one of you." He tossed it to Stefan who began reattaching his arm.

Caius glanced around the clearing. "Where is she?"

Stefan sighed wearily. "Impossible to tell. She's been using her gift almost nonstop for two days now. She refuses to come out fully."

"And refuses to stay still long enough to talk to us." Vladimir lowered into a crouch, eyes constantly scanning.

"What happened?"

"She attacked a hiker. It was quite messy, but she hadn't eaten anything since she had woken. It's not to be expected that it would be a clean kill."

"Why-" Caius ducked, dodging the arm that sought to clasp itself around his throat. He whirled, catching sight of a half vanished Agana turning to attack again. He crouched as she lunged, quickly reaching up and throwing her to the ground.

She growled, turning to circle around him.

The Volturi guards in the treeline stepped forward, freezing when Caius waved them back. Stefan and Vladimir tensed, halting when Caius shook his head.

"This is between the two of us."

"She's a newborn."

"And I'm a three thousand year old vampire." He smirked before tossing out a hand as she lunged, shoving her several yards away.

"You shouldn't be here." She hissed at him, fangs fully extended.

He grinned. "Maybe I wanted to see you."

She scoffed. "When hell freezes over. Or did Aro send you to make sure his newest acquisition is still sane?" She crouched, more of her body disappearing.

Lunging forward, Caius wrapped a hand around her throat, pulling her out of the other realm, bringing her to the ground as her body went limp. They stayed still for a moment, Agana's eyes unfocused.

Stefan stepped forward, prompting Caius to growl at him.

"Agana." Caius shook her shoulder, noting the awareness was coming back into her eyes. She blinked, then threw him off, his body splintering a tree as he flew through it.

"Agana! I just want to talk."

She appeared in front of him, lunging forwards and clinging to his front. His hands went to encircle her arms, prepared to tear her off of him.

She leaned forward, and bit into the side of Caius's neck.

As her teeth slid into his skin, Caius felt her side of the bond snap into place, causing Agana to tense and tear herself away from him.

She stood out of the reach of everyone, body trembling. "What did you do?"

Caius stepped forward, hands relaxed at his sides. "You cemented your side of the bond."

She blinked, eyes growing unfocused again, hands reaching up to cradle her head. "These memories, these aren't mine." She started to go limp, Caius flashing behind her and cradling her form, guiding her head to rest on his shoulder.

"Those are my memories." He tightened his arms around her as she began to shake, body feeling the punishment of an angry bond.

"Breath, dearest. It will pass. Don't fight it or the bond will hurt worse." Caius pulled her closer, adjusting it so she was sitting sideways in his lap.

"It hurts." She buried her head into his neck, breathing in his scent.

"I know. Just focus on me and the pain will ease." He ignored the sounds of Vladimir and Stefan arguing with his guards.

The feel of a body flying his way caused Caius to move, jolting Agana and making her cry out. He hissed at the offender, eyes blazing with fury.

"Enough. We are not to be disturbed." He barely waited for the sound of an affirmative before flashing away, heart breaking with every sound of pain his mate made.

"Almost there, dearest." He jumped a river, his destination finally in sight. He shouldered through the door, past caring when the wood splintered and scattered throughout the room. Caius ran up to the bedroom, slowing when he entered, kicking the door closed behind him, and walking towards the bed.

Agana caught sight of the bed and tensed.

"Nothing is happening. I won't touch you in that way, neither will anyone bother us. My priority is keeping you safe until you can focus." He sat down on the bed, leaning against the headboard. He used one arm to wrap a blanket around the two of them, knowing that although they didn't feel the cold, Agana would miss the comfort of a blanket.

Agana continued shaking in his arms.


He looked down, seeing her eyes filled with tears. "Yes?"

"I'm scared."

He guided her head onto his shoulder, resting his own on top. "It will pass. I will not let anyone hurt you."

She nodded, body slowly calming until she fell limp, mind caught up in his memories. 

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