4: House of Memories

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The newborn shuffled in place as he waited for their most recent victim to wake up.

"I hate this part."

A hand wrapped around his neck and twisted, pulling his head from his body.

"I hate it as well." Agana huffed as she turned in place, getting used to her new body. She lifted her hand, trying out her gift and was delighted to see her hand shimmer and disappear before her eyes.

"Perfect. You will be the leader of my new army." The older vampire came into the room, watching as his newest creation admired herself.

Agana looked up and frowned. "Oh, I wasn't sure you'd still be here. It didn't seem like you'd be patient enough for me to wake."

He chuckled. "I have all the patience in the world when it comes to you, my dear."

She flashed forward, attempting to wrap her hands around his neck. He dodged and swung her to the ground, cracking the stone beneath her.

"Don't ever try to kill me again. The effects of the sire bond dissolving will kill you."

"What if I want to die? And I sincerely doubt the truth of your last statement." She smiled, activating her power and disappearing from his view. He grappled, trying to keep hold of her invisible body.

Agana twisted, making the best of her gift and shifted fully into the subconscious realm. She stood, watching as reality moved slowly, waves coming off of each moving object. She walked around the creeping body of the vampire, inspecting him for any clues she could find as to his identity.

She smirked. Why should I bother learning who he is if I'm just going to kill him anyway? She gestured with her hand, making a twisting motion towards the opposing vampire. Let's see you get out of this.

She stepped forward, back into the normal reality, and watched as his body spun apart, shards embedding themselves in the walls.

Kneeling down, she rolled over the still intact head. "I imagine a certain trio would be very curious to learn why you wanted to build an army." She chucked the head across the room, where it rolled to a stop next to the newborn's body.

Agana stood, pausing when darkness curled over her vision.

"But Alice, I can't go in there. I'm human." Agana watched as a memory from her human life appeared.

Alice shook her head. "It'll be okay. Don't you trust me?"

Agana sighed. "Of course." She looked up at the giant doors. "Keep a watch, won't you Ed?"

The telepath nodded. "Anything for you."

Agana nodded, took a deep breath, then walked into the Volturi throne room.

Agana blinked a few times, waiting for her mind to catch up with her body. "That was interesting. Hope that's not a permanent thing now." She flashed around the room, finding a box and depositing the two heads in it.

She closed the flaps of the cardboard, smirking at the two shocked faces. "You're going on an adventure!"

She glanced over the body pieces scattered over the room. "Crap, now I've gotta deal with this mess." She sighed. "After I burn your bodies, we'll be making a stop in Italy."

Agana watched from the subconscious realm as Jane and Alec Volturi walked down the halls of the castle.

"The twins are fun, unless they're giving their habitually painful stares, in Jane's case this is exceptionally true." Agana shook her head. "What the heck? Now I'm making jokes and talking to detached heads." She sighed. "Apparently immortality is bad for my health."

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