8: Arriving at the Castle

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Stefan sighed as Agana tapped her foot against the back of his chair. "We're almost there."

"I know. That means I only have a little time left with you trapped in this small space with me, unable to escape. Aren't plane rides amazing?"

"I could jump out of the window and survive." Stefan rolled his eyes.

"Yes, but you won't." Agana leaned over the back of the seat. "At least I'm not pacing a hole through the floor anymore."

Stefan groaned and leaned his head back. Agana giggled, then flashed to sit beside Jasper. "So how's the coven? Have Ren and Jake actually gone on an official date yet?"

Jasper's phone dinged and he glanced down. "Alice says they'll have gone on one by the end of the month."

"Oh good. About time they were official." She sighed. "Are we there yet?"

Aro smiled, giggling slightly at Stefan's face. "Thirty minutes and we'll be in the castle."

"Yay." She leaned back in the chair. "So...Jane. What's it like being a part of the guard? And just ignore the fact that Aro's here. I'm sure he won't mind an honest answer." She smiled, resting her chin on her fist, placing her elbow on the armrest.

Jane glanced at Aro, then shook her head. "I'd rather not, if you don't mind."

Agana shrugged. "Your choice." She thunked her head back against the seat. "Ugh. Why are planes so slow?"

"We're landing."

"We are?" Agana sprang to the window. "You know this is the first time that I've been able to appreciate the city. The first time I came through here, I was very worried that I was going to end up dead." She giggled. "Although I was right, sort of. I died three weeks after I left."

"And yet, here you are, annoying us to the best of your ability."

Agana smiled at Stefan. "You know you love me. Actually, is that too soon? We just met a few days ago." She leaned over the armrest, looking back at Vladimir. "What about you, Vlad? Does the sire bond influence your emotions to be more friendly towards me?"


They all felt the plane touch the ground and the atmosphere in the plane changed. Aro stood and walked to the front of the plane. "Two cars will be waiting for us when we exit the plane. The drivers are members of the guard, so we do not have to worry about them. Simply get into the vehicle and they will take us to the castle."

Agana nodded. She looked down at the floor, glancing up when Vladimir took her arm. "We'll be beside you the entire time."

"Brother, do you remember what happened when we both met our mates? We weren't seen for days."

"You know what I meant." He gave his brother a look. "Don't scare her more than she already is."

"Thanks Vlad." Agana smiled at him. "Let's do this."

They exited the plane once it came to a stop.

"Master Aro." The tall guard bowed, opening the door of the vehicle. "Welcome back."

"Thank you, Felix. Please make sure the queen is settled comfortably in her vehicle?"

"Yes Master." Felix bowed. He walked over to the other car, offering Agana a hand into the vehicle.

She settled herself into the seat, turning back to smile at him. "Thank you."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"Nononono." She shook her head. "Please don't call me that."

"I must, Your Majesty."

"First, I've not been officially named queen. And second, even if I was, the title is for people outside the coven. Inside the castle, you're a family."

Felix smiled, then closed the door. Demetri leaned around in the driver's seat. "Welcome to Voltura, Your Majesty."

"I know you heard what I just said." Agana crossed her arms. "You two are the trouble in Voltura, aren't you?"

"You figured it out already? Man, we must be losing our touch."

"Hmm." Agana leaned back. "Or maybe I'm just that perceptive."

Vladimir shook his head. "Agana, leave him be. You'll be a victim of their pranks before too long."

"Oh no, that won't be happening." Demetri looked at her through the mirror, beginning to drive away from the airport. "We'll make you a part of our team."

"I look forward to it." Agana smiled, Stefan sighing from the front seat.

"Vladimir, I think we should do our best to keep her away from those two." Stefan looked back. "Please."

"You can't keep her away from us if we want to see her. Who knows? She might want to join us."

"Just remember who her mate is."

Demetri grimaced. "True." His face brightened. "But one never knows."

"That is true." Agana shrunk back into her seat. "None of us know what's gonna happen."

"We'll be there, supporting you." Stefan smiled. "We're your coven."

"Thanks." She looked out the window as they pulled into an underground garage.

"Welcome back to the castle, Agana. Glad to have you here." Marcus raised a hand to help her out of the vehicle.

She shuffled nervously, Jasper reaching out to reassure her.

"Thank you, Master Marcus. May I see him?"

"Certainly. This way." He led the way through the castle, stopping at a set of doors. "Prepare yourself. He is not in the best mindset."

"Understood." She watched as he swung the door open.

Caius stood in the center of the room, pulling at his hair, clothes in disarray, and the room destroyed. He looked towards the door, eyes dark and feral.

Agana stepped inside, the others staying still.

"Hello Caius."

He watched as she came closer slowly.

"How are you feeling?" She reached out a hand, freezing when he growled at her. She waited until he had quieted, then reached the rest of the way and rested a hand on his arm.

He darted forward, burying his face in the joint of her neck and shoulder, breathing in her scent.

She looked over at Jasper, who stood in the doorway. He mimed drinking, and she nodded, reaching for a blood bag on a table near her.

"Do you think you could drink some?" She guided the bag near his head, piercing a hole with her teeth. His head raised at the smell, his hands still clutching her close. She lifted the bag higher, allowing him to drink while still staying close.

He quickly gulped down the bag, eyes remaining the same feral black as he tucked his head back down. She tossed the empty bag away.

"Could you drink another?"

He growled, pulling her with him as he walked to the corner. Once there, he guided her to sit on the floor and curled up around her.

"Agana. If you need us, just call out. Someone will always be nearby."

She nodded. "Thank you." She shushed Caius when he began to raise his head. "Don't worry, Caius, I'm not going anywhere."

She combed a hand through his hair, calming his instincts. "We'll figure this out."

Y'all can't imagine how excited I was to post this chapter. They're finally back together! But don't worry, plenty of angst and drama ahead. 

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