10: Mistakes

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Agana growled as her gift fizzled out, sending her crashing to the ground of the clearing. She lay still, waiting for the memory to overtake her. And as always, it did.

Young Agana stepped off the plane, the assigned staff member following behind her. She was pointed to a seat and told to sit until someone came for her.

People came and went, Agana eagerly looking for her father. As time went on, her eyes drooped and she curled into the seat, falling asleep.

She was shaken awake, looking bleary eyed at the person leaning over her.

"Hello sweetling. Where's your parents?" The man crouched down to her level.

"My dad was supposed to come get me."

"I see." The man looked around, the lack of travelers around making him smile, the night staff ignoring him. "How about I take you to someone who can help you find him?"

"But the staff lady told me to stay here till someone came and got me."

"I'm someone, right?"

Agana nodded her head. "Can you really help me find my dad?"

"Yes. What's your name, sweet?"


"Interesting name. I'm Laurent."

"Hi." Agana looked shyly up at him. "I like your eyes. I've never seen someone with red before."

"That's because I'm a very special person. Now come along." He held her hand as they walked into the night.

Agana scowled. "I hate that memory." She sat up, ignoring the creeping black on her vision, and looked to where Vladimir stood.

"Sorry. I'll try again." She stood, quickly fading her legs away. She focused on disappearing completely but still being able to be heard.

She fully disappeared into the other realm, walking towards Vladimir. The coven leader stood still, time running slower in this version of the world.

As she walked around him, she felt a stabbing pain begin in her throat. Ignoring it, she leaned forward to whisper in his ear, and the pain grew stronger.

She collapsed to the ground, her grip on the other realm dissolving and revealing her to Vladimir.

"Stefan!" He quickly scanned over Agana. "What happened? Did you hurt yourself?"

She shook her head; the movement exacerbating the pain.

Stefan appeared over Vladimir's shoulder, eyes betraying his concern. "What did you do?"

"I just was practicing and then-" She grasped her throat, hands clawing into her skin. The brothers shared a look before Vladimir helped her sit up.

"It is possible you're feeling thirst for the first time. We have blood bags inside."

When he uttered the word blood, Agana focused. A heartbeat, faint but still there, was traveling towards her at a slow pace.

Blood. The liquid needed for her survival. She licked her lips unconsciously, fangs extending.

Stefan waved a hand, trying to catch her attention, but she was gone. The two men looked at the empty space, realising they had just lost their charge.

Agana ran through the woods, racing to find the owner of the heartbeat and the source of the delicious scent.

The hiker jumped when she appeared in front of him.

"Hello." He smiled at her. "Didn't know there was someone else on this trail. How's your day been?"

She smiled, fangs peeking from behind her lips. "It's just improved immensely." She lunged forward, giving him enough time to scream once before her fangs found a vein. She plunged her teeth in, feeling the thick liquid flow down her throat.

She gulped the blood down, the sweet taste making her moan with joy. The pain in her throat eased as she drank, surroundings blurred as she enjoyed her first meal.

"Agana!" The sharp voice made her growl, clutching her prey closer.

"He's drained. You won't get anymore out of him." Vladimir stepped towards her.

She looked down at the body she held in her hands and recoiled in horror. "When? What happened?"

"You bolted away and found this man."

She dropped the body, backing away until her back met branches. "I didn't even-" She cowered to the ground, body shaking with sobs. "I never wanted- I didn't want- he's dead!" She covered her mouth and, feeling the blood that covered her face, stared horrified at the scene in front of her.

The man's neck was torn open, blood staining his clothes and the ground around him.

"Agana. You'll be fine."

She shook her head. "I killed him."

"It's part of who you are now. It is not a problem."

"I just murdered someone! That is not okay!" She stood, Vladimir stepping towards her.

"Just come back with us."

"No. I can't. I'm sorry." She darted off, running blindly until she stumbled, the realisation of the act she had just committed sending her to the ground. She screamed, pulling at her hair. Unconsciously shifting realities, she screamed again, releasing a wave that tossed the surrounding trees in slow motion.

In Italy, Caius looked up from the book he was reading, looking towards the ceiling.

"Does your distraction fail you, brother?" Aro looked up at Caius innocently.

"She's hurting." Caius returned to his book, wincing when a harsh pain slammed into his throat. He tightened his grip on the book, determined not to let Aro know how much the bond was effecting him.

"I wonder why." Aro muttered the sentence, Caius still sending him a glare.

"She behaved in a way unbefitting a potential Volturi Queen."

"If you tried talking to her, you might realise why."

"Anything to share?"

Aro smiled, the expression not reaching his eyes. "Not my place."

Caius scoffed before returning to the same sentence he had been attempting to read for the last minutes.

After a moment, he slapped the book shut.

"Bored, brother?"

"I'm going to find her."

Aro looked up. "And do what, exactly?"


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