7: Visitors

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Aro reached out and entered her memories.

"Agana! Let's go! The plane won't wait for you!"

A young Agana, no more than ten, appeared, reaching her hand for the woman's. "Why won't it wait?"

"Because you're not important enough for them to care." The woman took her hand and yanked her forward. "Let's go."

The two drove to the airport, Agana clutching a backpack to her. "Mommy, why do you keep looking backwards?"

"Because! Stop asking questions!" The woman glared at her through the mirror. "You are going to your father. Maybe he can handle all of your drama." 

Her phone rang and she glanced away. She picked up the phone and answered the call. "Hey sweetie! Yeah, I'm getting rid of her. Drop her off on the plane and her father will pick her up....How am I supposed to know? He hasn't answered any of my texts!" 

The woman huffed and ended the call. "Almost done with this."

They arrived at the airport and quickly went through security. They walked to the gate and Agana's mom stopped at the desk. "She's gonna need an escort. She can't handle it herself."

"Is she on the connecting flight?"


"Ma'am, we can provide an escort, but we have an open seat. Would you like to buy a ticket and go with her?"

The mom rolled her eyes. "She's getting picked up by her father. There's no need for me to go. You just want to get more money out of me!"

The attendant sighed. "We'll have someone escort her at both airports and make sure she arrives."

"Good." Agana walked to the lady that held her hand out. She looked back at her mom, who was already walking away.

Aro blinked as he removed his hand. Agana leaned against Jasper as she gasped for breath.

"Are you okay?" She nodded at Jasper's question.

"That's not the first time that happened, is it?" Vladimir crouched to see her face. "That's why you hesitated to come fully out of the other dimension."

She nodded. "I've been getting memories from my human life. Just flashes of time, not necessarily in order either."

"The transformation effects individuals differently. Newborns often have someone who can tell them what their human life was like. And those that don't have that opportunity often get flashes throughout the newborn stage."

"Thank you, Aro, for that explanation." Agana smiled wryly and straightened. "Wow. My emotions feel somewhat stable now."

"That's to be expected. The bond will continue to influence you until you are with your mate. That's when both party's emotions should settle."

"So you're saying that I should just go to Caius and accept whatever he expects me to do?"

Aro paused, glancing at Vladimir. "No."

"You hesitated. I know that I didn't handle the situation completely to your liking, but did any of you try to see it from my side?" Agana raised an eyebrow at Aro.

"We did not. And that's our fault."

A phone rang and Jane walked over to Aro. "Master Marcus is calling."

"Yes, Marcus?" Aro stepped away. "It's happened?"

"Is Caius okay?" Agana stepped forward, Vladimir reaching an arm out to stop her. The vampires listened as Marcus explained what had happened.

"He went ballistic. The throne room will have to be upgraded and the room that Agana stayed in is trashed." Marcus sighed. "He destroyed any evidence of her being there. The bond's going crazy. Have you fixed your situation yet?"

"We've almost finished it. I should be back soon."

"Marcus, where is she? I can't live without her." Caius's voice came over the phone, Agana stiffening as she heard the sound. She leaned towards the phone, reaching out a hand.


Aro glanced over at her and his eyes widened at her dilated pupils and longing look. "Marcus, what's his state now?"

"He's wandering the castle, calling for her and crying. Nothing we say can get him to eat either. He's going to snap soon. His eyes are completely black."

Agana whined, pushing forward to reach the phone.

"Mate?" Caius's voice got louder, and the vampires froze, Agana going slack at the sound of Caius's voice.

"Caius." Agana keened his name.

"Marcus, I've got to go. I'll let you know my plans."


Aro ended the call, Caius screeching as he realized what was happening.

"No!" Agana lunged forward, knocking into Aro. "My mate! What did you do!" She wrapped a hand around his arm and tried to pry the phone away.

Jasper and Vladimir sprang forward, tearing her off of the king and pinning her writhing body to the ground.

"No! Caius!" She thrashed, striking Vladimir across the face, causing cracks to appear on the surface. Stefan stepped forward, pining her arms above her head.

"Agana." Stefan tried to catch her gaze, but her eyes were flying around, trying to find a way to get herself to her mate.

Aro straightened, glancing over at his guards. "Jane."

She nodded, then focused her gaze on the pile of bodies.

Agana flinched, then started screaming, arching her body as the pain hit. "No, no! Please, I'll be quiet! Please, please!" Her cries quieted when Aro gestured for Jane to stop.

The pile of vampires stilled as Agana opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. "I'm sorry." She relaxed into the men's hold, her face crumpling as she began to cry. Jasper pulled her into his arms, wrapping her in a hug.

"You're okay."

"I'm sorry. So so sorry." She sobbed into Jasper's shoulder, body sagging into his.

"Aro." Vladimir motioned for them to step away.

"They have to be together soon. That is just a small example of what Caius's been doing. Usually the episodes begin to last longer than this as time goes on." Aro motioned towards his phone. "I can have her in Italy in a few hours."

"She's not ready! She just started self defense training. She's not even been turned for three days." Stefan growled, stepping threateningly towards Aro.

"I agree. With both of you." Vladimir sighed. "What if we went with her and trained her in Voltura, until they are both stable for her to come back here for bits of time?"

Aro nodded. "That would be acceptable. We could provide housing in the castle for you all. Provided, of course, you want to stay that close. But if that is unacceptable, we could look at getting you housing in the city."

"Once we see the situation, we'll make a decision. For all we know, they could reject each other once they're in their right minds." Vladimir shrugged.

"That is always a possibility. But we won't know until they meet." Stephen looked over at Agana in concern.

"Well then," Aro turned to the others. "We're going to Voltura."

If you notice any mistakes please feel free to point them out!

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