My Angel

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Living all on his own after leaving the Deceptions was harder than Starscream originally thought, but then again perhaps he had gone soft while living on the Nemesis. It wasn't like he could just go back; Megatron would have his helm if he did and joining the Autobots wasn't an option either because they would just keep him as a prisoner. Being a loner wasn't all bad seeing that he could go out on a flight whenever he wanted to, although it was also very lonely and he wished that he had companionship from a fellow flier. Starscream would often think about his life on Cybertron and how he always had someone to keep him company. He thought about his brothers, his cousins, Skyfire and the seeker femmes he used to flirt with whenever he went to the finest bar in Vos.

Energon was also hard to come by; usually whenever he found a mine it had already been stripped bare with only small slivers of energon crystals left behind. Starscream's reserves were already dangerously low, it was a miracle he hadn't fallen into emergency stasis already. One day after detecting a signal for a new energon mine, Starscream grabbed his groundbridge remote and typed in the coordinates and ran through the groundbridge as soon as it opened, not wasting any time. After coming out of the other side he saw that no one else was around yet, meaning he was the first one to detect it; the mine was located within a cave in the middle of a forest, somewhere that no one knew about. Right before Starscream was about to enter the cave he spotted what appeared to be a small escape pod which had crash landed somewhat nearby.

"Now then, what do we have here?" Starscream mumbled to himself after putting the groundbridge remote in his subspace, feeling curious all of a sudden.

The escape pod wasn't from Cybertron due to its much smaller size and the metal it was made from, meaning it must have come from somewhere else. Starscream didn't know why he was checking out the wreckage instead of collecting energon; he chalked it down to being incredibly lonely. Once he was close enough, he spotted what appeared to be a human laying on the ground, but then he saw the pair of brown wings on her back and knew she wasn't a human at all. Out of all the alien species Starscream had seen during his life he never saw anything like what he was seeing. The young woman had burn wounds on her body and her clothes were torn, obviously from the crash landing.

Starscream knelt down once he was close enough and carefully picked the young woman up, making sure to be extra careful with her wings. (Y/n) was unconscious upon crash landing on Earth and getting out of the escape pod she took after she escaped the galra who tried to take her as a slave. As he held her in his palm, Starscream's spark pulsed faster in its chamber; the winged woman was so beautiful and unique to him. He couldn't just leave her to be eaten by something, so he decided that he was going to give her a safe place to live. The trip back to the Harbinger was quick enough; Starscream would be back to collect as much energon as he could in no time.


After being captured by a galran commander to become a slave during a raid on Thanagar, (Y/n) managed to outsmart the guards and escape in an escape pod. She randomly set the coordinates so that she could get away as soon as possible, not wanting to be caught while escaping. The trip through space wasn't as long as she thought it would be, a week at best, but unfortunately the pod she was in ran out of power and crash landed on a small blue and green planet. The crash landing was a hard one and (Y/n) got out of the pod as quickly as she could, passing out on the ground soon after. In her unconscious state, she was completely unaware of what was lurking around in the forest.

While (Y/n) was laying unconscious on a metal table, Starscream managed to get most of the energon out of the mine so that he could store it in the deepest part of the Harbinger where no one would get to it. He was happy with himself for finding so much of it and started refining a few thick crystals so that he could refuel as soon as possible. A quiet groan caught his attention and he walked over to the table where he laid the woman he rescued, thankful she was still alive. As (Y/n) began to slowly wake up she felt very chilly and shivered, not knowing where she was. She obviously wasn't outside anymore which caused her to wake up faster, a loud groan escaping past her lips when she felt how sore her body was.

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