An unwelcome visitor {Revised Version}

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One afternoon, Knockout and Starscream were chilling in (Y/n's) living room while they waited for her to come home from work. It wasn't uncommon for them to randomly hang out at their girlfriend’s house/apartment when she wasn't home, she'd already given them permission to stay at her place as long as they didn't make a mess. (Y/n) already knew that Starscream and Knockout were cybertronians after she'd accidentally been kidnapped by a confused Vehicon, and after they set her free they kept randomly crossing her path and eventually the they fell in love with her and the three of them decided to be in a three way-relationship. Since Megatron was away with Dreadwing they could spend more time with (Y/n), or at least they could when she came home.

They had to do it secretly so that Megatron wouldn't find out that they were dating a human, luckily he'd been busier than usual as of late. While they waited for (Y/n), Knockout and Starscream were in their holoforms since she didn't like them being mass displaced inside of her home. Of course, Starscream had to park far away because his alt mode was a jet and he was always jealous of Knockout because Knockout could just park in front of (Y/n's) house/in the parking lot near her apartment. Knockout sat on one side of her couch while Starscream sat on the other, both of them feeling bored out of their minds. They'd watched tv pretty much all day, but eventually that got boring and Knockout decided to turn the tv off.

"When does (Y/n) get home?" Starscream asked Knockout with a slight whine, wishing that their girlfriend would come home.

"Quit your whining, Screamer. She'll be home soon." Knockout answered as he rolled his eyes at Starscream's whining.

Starscream sighed as he leaned against his left fist, using the armrest to keep himself at least somewhat upright. Having holoforms really helped them when they were at (Y/n's) place, especially since they didn't want anyone to know what they really were. Suddenly, Knockout saw something crawling on the carpet, something with multiple legs and two antenna. Starscream saw it too and they both stared at it, then they shrieked when it crawled towards them.

"Where the frag did that thing come from?!" Starscream yelped as he fell off of the couch, immediately scooting backwards until he stood up.

"I don't know, but it's headed our way!" Knockout yelled before he and Starscream ran into the kitchen, neither of them wanting the bug to touch them; they absolutely hated bugs, especially creepy ones, because they always found their way into places where they shouldn't be.

Once they were in the kitchen Knockout peeked into the living room and saw that the bug had stopped crawling, or rather it stopped for the time being. To them, the bug looked big and it was scary because of the way it moved, but in reality it was tiny compared to them.

"(Y/n's) going to be home any minute! We need to get rid of that- that thing!" Starscream said, panicking a little after he looked at the clock and saw what time it was.

"Here, we can use these to protect our heads!" Knockout suggested when he grabbed a pot and a large bowl out of one of the lower cupboards; he and Starscream were only in their holoforms, but in the moment that little detail didn't occur to him.

Starscream looked at Knockout as though he was crazy, although he decided to go along with it in case the bug was dangerous; to be clear the bug was just a harmless beetle, but they didn't know that. Knockout put the bowl on his head and he gave Starscream the pot since the bowl looked better on him. Starscream quickly put the pot on his head before they went back to the kitchen doorway. He then proceeded to grab the nearest item at the time, a serving spoon that was randomly on one of the counters, and he aimed it at the beetle.

"Wait! You can't throw that in here, (Y/n) would be furious!" Knockout said seriously, preventing the other mech-turned-man from throwing the big metal spoon.

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